I thought I would share my experience here about my camp chef 24dlx pellet grill. Upon receiving it I could see visible damage to the box. I should have refused deliver and sent it back right then but I didn’t. I was too excited to try it. I opened the box and then could see the damage to the grill body which didn’t really bother me considering it would get used and a little character doesn’t hurt a grill. I finished putting it together and went to fire it up for the first time using the feed feature to fill the auger for the initial burn. The auger motor wouldn’t turn. I took off the bottom cover of the hopper and was able to spin the fan blades to manually start up the motor. The only temp the grill would operate at without me constantly having to spin the fan manually due to the start stop design of the pellet grill was high ~425-450. Otherwise I would have to reach up and under to spin it. The only reason it worked on high was because it ran constantly and never shut off. I contacted camp chef customer service and was promptly sent a replacement lid, auger motor and a courtesy bag of pellets. Great I thought this would be an easy fix. It was not it required taking the entire hopper apart and then replacing the auger motor and reinstalling everything. In preparation for the arrival of the new auger I took the grill hopper apart and waited. The auger motor arrive damaged with no fan blades still attached and the wires were frayed because of the sharp broken plastic of the blades. The auger motor was packed in a box a few inches bigger than it in every direction with no padding. So again I contacted camp chef customer service who again sent out an auger motor and a grill cover for the trouble. At this point I was beginning to get pretty frustrated but kept trying because I wanted to use it! I’m 3 weeks and 900$ in and haven’t even done the initial burn in yet! After arrival of the second auger motor and install the unit was making screeching and grinding noises from both fan and auger motor. At this point I ordered replacements from amazon for both parts ~$50 total because camp chef is located in Utah it takes roughly a week for the parts to arrive. The amazon parts arrived the next day and I was able to install and get the grill going for the initial burn in. I cranked it to 350 and let it go. I had wild temp swings and the noises from the hopper and control panel area continued. When inspecting the inside wall of the hopper it appears the fan is rubbing on the wall as some of the paint looks like it’s been rubbed on. I sent several emails with pictures and video to camp chef in order to show them what I was talking about. After several trouble shooting attempts I am happy to report they are sending a new grill. I have been using the grill with the noises and temp swings I have regulated them some with amazin pellet tube and a gasket. Since I had two life I figured might as well try a couple things and get some use of it while I can. I cannot day enough about how well I was treated by them. When I explained my time was short and that a $950 investment is nothing to sneeze at they were receptive and decided that a new grill was the beat course of action. I have to agree. Hopefully this arrives and works as intended. I’m glad there are still companies that value customer experiences and even when they don’t go as planned stand behind their products and make it right.