I may be cooking one of the two tomorrow along with a butt and picnic that I'm going to put on, though it maybe just the flat for the brisket. I don't live in a bbq state, so getting the cuts that are oh-so-suited for bbq can be a bit more challenging. Flats are common around here. Packers...not so much. I got rather happy because my local Albertsons recently started selling picnics for $1.39/lb.
Poking around these forums, a lot of people foil their briskets at 165. Do the folks who foil their briskets foil their chuckies too? I know with ribs, foiling boils down to personal preference, so I am guessing that it is also personal with brisket as well? I'm kind of an anti-foiler out of laziness, but I don't want to end up doing the bbq equivalent of dividing by zero. I've cooked briskets before, both in the oven and in the ground, but never in the smoker.
Oh, and BTW, when following the advice on here, I have yet to turn out anything that didn't come out really good, even when it was a first try.
Poking around these forums, a lot of people foil their briskets at 165. Do the folks who foil their briskets foil their chuckies too? I know with ribs, foiling boils down to personal preference, so I am guessing that it is also personal with brisket as well? I'm kind of an anti-foiler out of laziness, but I don't want to end up doing the bbq equivalent of dividing by zero. I've cooked briskets before, both in the oven and in the ground, but never in the smoker.
Oh, and BTW, when following the advice on here, I have yet to turn out anything that didn't come out really good, even when it was a first try.