We just got one of these near me. I really like the place so far.Made my weekly run to Gordons food service . Beef knuckles dropped to $3.99 a lb. Last week they were $4.49 , and brisket dropped about the same $.50 . Were $4.49 down from $4.99 . Normal price for the knuckle is $3.39 , brisket is always around $3.59 .
Pack and sell by dates tell me these were recent . Sell by isn't until Dec. 15th .
Meat case was pretty well stocked . Most of the beef was still at a premium , but the sell buy dates were this week , so that tells me the pricing is from the last price point .
I'll go again next week and see what's going on . Doing it this way tells me what the pricing is real time . What's actually available to me , when I'm standing there , and where it looks like it's going .