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Epic Pitmaster
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Jun 25, 2014
I have never eaten an Enchilada but seeing post on here about them,convinced me to give them a try so seeing sawhorseray sawhorseray post did it.
Started with browning some ground beef
Added some Enchilada sauce (mild)
Had some Chipotles an black olives
Tillamook Mexican Blend

Cheese & Sauce added
Now the fun part rolling them meat mix 1st
Chipotle Pepper on top
Add some black olives
Now fold the Tortilla over the filling folding the sides inward
Keep steady pressure finish rolling
Get them all done drizzle some Enchilada Sauce
over the top
Add some Cheese
bake in a preheated oven 375°F for 20 -25 min
Now to have some more fun
Carefully slip a spatula under 2 and plate
Money shot
Thank you Ray these are very good we enjoyed them.
Thanks for watching
Those look perfect to my eyes Richie, you did a beautiful job! I usually take a couple and vac-seal them in the bag for the freezer, it's nice to have something on hand to thaw in a sink full of water and then toss into the microwave oven. Like, RAY
Those look perfect to my eyes Richie, you did a beautiful job! I usually take a couple and vac-seal them in the bag for the freezer, it's nice to have something on hand to thaw in a sink full of water and then toss into the microwave oven. Like, RAY
Ray Thank you I am very happy that I did these thanks to you!Fantastic taste wife loved them so we have something new for the menu.Thanks for the Like I appreciate it
Those look fantastic!
We have enchiladas a couple of times a month.
Good eating!
Al Thank you I agree they are good eating and I had fun putting them together.Thanks for the Like I appreciate it
Richie....that sir is enchilada perfection!! Those look better than just about anything I've seen in Mexican restaurants, that's for sure. Great job!!

Now to the ironic part about your timing of these. I too was inspired by Ray's post as Tracy and I both love enchiladas. I'm planning to do some this evening and either cook them on the Rec Tec or in the Emeril 360 air fryer. That thing has not gotten the use it should have but the weather has been conducive to outdoor cooking, and that's what I much prefer when I can.

Big LIKE sir!!
Looks great Richie . Love enchiladas . Any more I skip the rolling and just layer it all in a dish like lasagna .
Nice work on those , now you're hooked .
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Richie....that sir is enchilada perfection!! Those look better than just about anything I've seen in Mexican restaurants, that's for sure. Great job!!

Now to the ironic part about your timing of these. I too was inspired by Ray's post as Tracy and I both love enchiladas. I'm planning to do some this evening and either cook them on the Rec Tec or in the Emeril 360 air fryer. That thing has not gotten the use it should have but the weather has been conducive to outdoor cooking, and that's what I much prefer when I can.

Big LIKE sir!!
Robert Thank you I think I could have rolled them a little better,look froward to seeing yours.Thanks for the Like I appreciate it
Looks great Richie . Love enchiladas . Any more I skip the rolling and just layer it all in a dish like lasagna .
Nice work on those , now you're hooked .
Rich I can understand the layering I am going to make Lasagna Mon or Tues. Thanks for the Like I appreciate it.Time to make an Apple Pie
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Those look great Ritchie! Saw Ray's thread also and had to make some . I know what you mean...carefully take them out with a spatula !

It's funny really. We make burritos a couple times a month. And this is really just a couple extra steps for these.
Man those looks fantastic!! I absolutely love enchiladas!! Great stuff​
Jeff Thank you never having them before I now know what I was missing.Thanks for the Like I appreciate it
Those look great Ritchie! Saw Ray's thread also and had to make some . I know what you mean...carefully take them out with a spatula !

Ryan Thank you I have a fish spatula it is very flexible.
It's funny really. We make burritos a couple times a month. And this is really just a couple extra steps for these.
I guess you could fill Burritos with almost anything also.
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