Beef Dino Ribs (Heavy on Meat)
These Beef Dinos are my All-Time Favorite Ribs!!
So This Is What I Do to get Ribs with a lot of meat on them:
I buy my Prime Ribs in 5 to 6 pound hunks, when on sale (usually Christmas Week).
When I removed the bones from all of my Prime Ribs, I left about an extra inch of meat on the bone side of the cut, so I could have some Awesome Meaty Ribs. I’ve been doing that with all of my Prime Rib Roasts for years now.
I vacuum packed them in 2 Rib Pairs, and kept them together in my meat freezer, so they’re easy to find.
This time I’m Smoking the last 5 of the 9 Rib sections I had in the Freezer. Each Section has 2 bones.
These 5 sections weighed in at nearly 9 pounds total. That’s nearly 2 pounds for each 2 bone Rib Section!!
Day #1 (Prepping Ribs):
Remove from Vacuum packs, Rinse, Pat Dry, apply Lea & Perrins Bold Steak Sauce.*
Then coat with Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder.
Put all the pieces in a big bowl, cover it with plastic wrap & put it in the fridge over night.
Day #2 (Smoking Day):
9:20AM——————-Preheat MES 40 to 230°. Also Fill 1 1/2 Rows of AMNS with Hickory Dust, and light one end.
10:00AM——————Place all Rib sections on two MES 40 Grill Racks.
10:00AM——————Put 3 Pairs of Ribs on second position in MES 40, and 2 Pairs on top Rack.
10:30AM——————Place smoking AMNS on the right end of the bottom rack of my MES 40.
1:00 PM——————Stack all Ribs in foil pan, add Foil Mixture*, cover with Foil, and return to second position in smoker.
1:00 PM——————Reset Heat to 240°.
3:45 PM——————Shut MES 40 down, and remove Pan of Ribs from Smoker, and take to kitchen.
3:55 PM——————Uncover, Separate Ribs individually, plate, take pics, add sides, take pics, Sit down & Eat.
Just for the heck of it, I checked the IT when I got them inside. They were all between 195° and 204°. None of them were “Fall-off-the-bone”.
These Ribs were very Tender, just like the Prime Ribs they came from.
* Foil Mixture:
6 ounces of Apple Juice.
2 ounces of Worcestershire “Original”.
2 ounces of Lawry’s Teriyaki Marinade.
Mix well——Then heat to between 150° and 200° before adding to Foil Package.
The adding of the extra 1” of Meat makes these Ribs Really Awesome!!
Hope You All Enjoy My Pictures.
Thanks for looking,
5 Pieces of Dino Ribs—2 bones each—About 2 pounds each pair:
Thickness ranges between 1 1/2” to over 3”:
“KISS” Rub ingredients needs only Lea & Perrins Bold, CBP, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder:
All coated & ready for overnight nap in Fridge:
3 of the Pairs on one Rack. The other two on another rack, ready to go to Smoker:
A little more than one Row of my AMNS filled with Hickory Dust & one end lit.
Two sets of Ribs on top rack, Three sets on #2 Rack:
View through the looking glass. Love that thing!!
Nice Smoke coming from Top Vent:
An up-to-date Pic of the View from my Smoker (Front Yard). Beautiful Day:
After 3 hours at 230°, ready for pan & foil:
Fresh out of Smoker & uncovered in Kitchen:
All 5 Sets spread out, ready for cutting apart:
All 10 Dino Ribs separated:
Close look at 4 Dino Ribs:
The other 6 Dino Ribs:
Bear’s First Helping of Beef Dino, Green Beans, and Roasted Red Taters:
Here’s the Leftovers, but That will be another post with Au Jus, Sammies & Next Day’s Breakfast:
These Beef Dinos are my All-Time Favorite Ribs!!
So This Is What I Do to get Ribs with a lot of meat on them:
I buy my Prime Ribs in 5 to 6 pound hunks, when on sale (usually Christmas Week).
When I removed the bones from all of my Prime Ribs, I left about an extra inch of meat on the bone side of the cut, so I could have some Awesome Meaty Ribs. I’ve been doing that with all of my Prime Rib Roasts for years now.
I vacuum packed them in 2 Rib Pairs, and kept them together in my meat freezer, so they’re easy to find.
This time I’m Smoking the last 5 of the 9 Rib sections I had in the Freezer. Each Section has 2 bones.
These 5 sections weighed in at nearly 9 pounds total. That’s nearly 2 pounds for each 2 bone Rib Section!!
Day #1 (Prepping Ribs):
Remove from Vacuum packs, Rinse, Pat Dry, apply Lea & Perrins Bold Steak Sauce.*
Then coat with Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder.
Put all the pieces in a big bowl, cover it with plastic wrap & put it in the fridge over night.
Day #2 (Smoking Day):
9:20AM——————-Preheat MES 40 to 230°. Also Fill 1 1/2 Rows of AMNS with Hickory Dust, and light one end.
10:00AM——————Place all Rib sections on two MES 40 Grill Racks.
10:00AM——————Put 3 Pairs of Ribs on second position in MES 40, and 2 Pairs on top Rack.
10:30AM——————Place smoking AMNS on the right end of the bottom rack of my MES 40.
1:00 PM——————Stack all Ribs in foil pan, add Foil Mixture*, cover with Foil, and return to second position in smoker.
1:00 PM——————Reset Heat to 240°.
3:45 PM——————Shut MES 40 down, and remove Pan of Ribs from Smoker, and take to kitchen.
3:55 PM——————Uncover, Separate Ribs individually, plate, take pics, add sides, take pics, Sit down & Eat.
Just for the heck of it, I checked the IT when I got them inside. They were all between 195° and 204°. None of them were “Fall-off-the-bone”.
These Ribs were very Tender, just like the Prime Ribs they came from.
* Foil Mixture:
6 ounces of Apple Juice.
2 ounces of Worcestershire “Original”.
2 ounces of Lawry’s Teriyaki Marinade.
Mix well——Then heat to between 150° and 200° before adding to Foil Package.
The adding of the extra 1” of Meat makes these Ribs Really Awesome!!
Hope You All Enjoy My Pictures.
Thanks for looking,
5 Pieces of Dino Ribs—2 bones each—About 2 pounds each pair:
Thickness ranges between 1 1/2” to over 3”:
“KISS” Rub ingredients needs only Lea & Perrins Bold, CBP, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder:
All coated & ready for overnight nap in Fridge:
3 of the Pairs on one Rack. The other two on another rack, ready to go to Smoker:
A little more than one Row of my AMNS filled with Hickory Dust & one end lit.
Two sets of Ribs on top rack, Three sets on #2 Rack:
View through the looking glass. Love that thing!!
Nice Smoke coming from Top Vent:
An up-to-date Pic of the View from my Smoker (Front Yard). Beautiful Day:
After 3 hours at 230°, ready for pan & foil:
Fresh out of Smoker & uncovered in Kitchen:
All 5 Sets spread out, ready for cutting apart:
All 10 Dino Ribs separated:
Close look at 4 Dino Ribs:
The other 6 Dino Ribs:
Bear’s First Helping of Beef Dino, Green Beans, and Roasted Red Taters:
Here’s the Leftovers, but That will be another post with Au Jus, Sammies & Next Day’s Breakfast: