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Retired Spook

Master of the Pit
Original poster
Jun 28, 2022
5.38-lb pork belly with 6.09gm of cure #1, 34.55gm of Kosher salt, and 24.4gm of dark brown sugar (per digging dog calculator with tallbm tallbm suggestion of salt adjusted to 1.65%). Cured for 14-days flipped and massaged every day.

Removed from fridge, rinsed, dried, set on rack and back in fridge for 2-days.

A little pre-smoke taste test. Salt, sugar and cure is perfect - I cannot thank tallbm tallbm enough for the salt advise - dead on perfect!

Thin blue hickory smoke

Smoked with hickory and oak to 150-degrees (per that other site). Previously I always smoked to 140-degrees so, we'll see...

It is in the fridge chilling and tomorrow AM will be the breakfast test. It smells like heaven in here and if I open the fridge to get something, the smell of the bacon... is the most beautiful thing in the world - it's like... opiate drugs... :emoji_sunglasses:

There is just something about pork fat, cure, and smoke, that is heavenly.
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Looking good! I just put my first one ever in the fridge yesterday. Pretty close to the same calculations as yours. Already had some BBB curing since the 9th...
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5.38-lb pork belly with 6.09gm of cure #1, 34.55gm of Kosher salt, and 24.4gm of dark brown sugar (per digging dog calculator with tallbm tallbm suggestion of salt adjusted to 1.65%). Cured for 14-days flipped and massaged every day.
View attachment 686029

Removed from fridge, rinsed, dried, set on rack and back in fridge for 2-days.
View attachment 686030

A little pre-smoke taste test. Salt, sugar and cure is perfect - I cannot thank tallbm tallbm enough for the salt advise - dead on perfect!
View attachment 686031

Thin blue hickory smoke

Smoked with hickory and oak to 150-degrees (per that other site). Previously I always smoked to 140-degrees so, we'll see...
View attachment 686032

It is in the fridge chilling and tomorrow AM will be the breakfast test. It smells like heaven in here and if I open the fridge to get something, the smell of the bacon... is the most beautiful thing in the world - it's like... opiate drugs... :emoji_sunglasses:

There is just something about pork fat, cure, and smoke, that is heavenly.

Wow looking great!
At that internal temp you now have bacon and.... bacon cold cuts!!! I swear 95% of my bacon never hits a skillet because I smoke it to fully cooked internal temp like you did. It's soooooo good out of the vac seal pack like that.

Enjoy snacking while you slice it :D
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View attachment 686037

View attachment 686038

Delicious, though I did cook it slightly more than I should have. Nevertheless, some of the thicker portions that did not cook as much, and still retained that hickory smoked fatty deliciousness, were perfect!
Dang! I could do with that plate this morning! And maybe a piece of toast to dip in that egg yolk.

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