Sounds like a great tasting combo. What makes a Bubba Burger worth $6.25 per pound? The Walmart info say 100% Chuck with nothing else...JJ
Thanks JJ. Local store has them on sale about every 2 weeks here $1 - $1.50 off. Still spendy but consistent quality and they can be had in many flavors/add ins.
That’s a mighty fine looking burger!
Thanks Al. You can sure make a mean burger too.
A beautiful thing to see! RAY
View attachment 509406
Thanks, a tasty morsel too.
HAH! Ray, I came very close to using that Gif as the last pic in my thread.
Looks like a fine burger!
Thanks Jim, they're easy and I do them all the time.
Sure looks good! I need to try Brioche buns. Every time I do a big ol nasty stacked burger like that the bun disintegrates.
What exactly is a Bubba Burger?
Thanks smokey. The brioche is my new standard for dogs too. I get them from Aldi. Bubba Burgers is a brand -
Sounds like a very nice combination.... Fantastic looking burger!
Indeed, it is a good combination. Thanks man.
Love the Bubba burger brand . The sweet onion is my favorite flavor .
Interesting with the Kens dressing . I bet that's good . Nice work on that burger .
Right on, thanks chop.
Bacon and blue cheese go together like...bacon and blue. A must try, or better yet, make some of this stuff:
Tub of crumbled blue cheese
2-3 strips bacon - crumbled
Mix blue and bacon crumbles dry, add very little buttermilk a little at a time while mixing with a large fork until it reaches a slightly sticky, spreadable consistency.
Top burger while still on grill, don't forget to add bacon slices on top
Looks Great Moto !!
Nice Sammy!!
Thanks John.
Bubba Burgers go on sale at my Martin's (your Giant) about every 2 weeks or so.