Everyone knows my suggestion. Take as much out of the smoke as possible. I would definitely smoke the butts ahead of time, you know you do your best smokes when relaxed and not trying to cook on the clock, or on someone else's pit, throw in some weather and maybe a tire blow out and its seriously a Pizza-Hut party.
So first I would do the butt a day or so ahead. You know the routine, pull and shred, Ziploc bags with a little finishing sauce. Plug in a crock pot the day of the party, throw in the meat, maybe save a little of the bark to a bowl next to the crock pot (that always impresses), and have some warm BBQ sauce of your choice sitting there. Look for small rolls to serve on. That does Butts. And some Cole Slaw.
Brisket- When I don't want to have to work all night tending and watching or its a damn important meal, May the Gods of the grill forgive me, but...... I bake it in the oven, then remove and rip open the foil and throw it on the smoker for about an hour. I know, I know, its cheating its not perfection, But its safe its easy it IS smoked with smoke flavor, just not a 12 to 18 hour cook. AND if you are using an unknown pit I would plan accordingly.
Short ribs and chickens I can cook in a hubcap...... they require little if nothing but heat. If ........ you take out the brisket, and the butts, suddenly the entire meal looks totally manageable.
That's without knowing the pit situation, the forecasted weather, its a win all the way around. I have cooked briskets and butts on the clock on my own stick burner, but when I did I was pretty much tuned in and locked up, I knew it was a party, but didn't socialize, chase women, or tell lies........ basically it was work.
Just something to think upon..........