sous vide

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  1. Inkbirdbbq

    Sponsored Women's Day Gift---Food Saver for Keeping Meat Food Fresh and Stored,Includes 55 Bags, Only $32.99

    Deal Price: $32.99 (Reg: $65.99)---SAVE $33 Ps: Everyone can directly apply the 50% Amazon page coupon under the price list, which will save a lot. It is friendly for sealing fresh meat, seafood, grains, hops, pickles, jars and other foods. Great for home kitchen. Best gift for March 8 Women's...
  2. cyberslick18

    Finishing sausage with sous vide?

    Hey all, I'm curious what your experiences are with trying to finish sausages with a sous vide water bath? I tried my hand at making a basic kielbasa over the weekend, and when everything was said and done, my sausage came out and the fat had definitely rendered resulting in a greasy mouth feel...
  3. zakkyc


    Hello all, I smoked a couple briskets and a pork butt for my son’s birthday party in a couple of weeks. I thought I was doing it all correctly/safely, but then I came across some information that is giving me some doubts. Here is my method: 1) Smoked briskets and pork butt (pork butt cut in...
  4. SmokinAl

    Marinate, smoke, & Sous vide DINOS

    I lucked out & got another pack of Dino’s from you know who! The last ones I got were fantastic, but I wanted to try something different this time. Here is the rack. I mixed up a marinade with the usual players. Then into vacuum marinators I had to cut the rack in half to get them to fit...
  5. DougE

    Thick cut boneless chops

    I just seasoned them up with a commercial rub I had sitting there in my prep area. Into the pot. With trial and error, I found the best time/temp for pork chops is 2 hours at 145°. I just did the sear with a torch. I sear on the grill or over a chimney of hot coals sometimes but I mostly use...
  6. B

    My first chucky

    I made this beef chucky over the weekend. I started with it in a water bath at 131 for 46 hours (Thanks to Bear). Then I put it in an ice bath for about an hour. Then into the smoker to an IT of 130 to get some smoky flavor and bark. It was tender, juicy, and delicious. It wasn't as tender as I...
  7. thirdeye

    Pop's Brined ~ Warm Smoked ~ With Sous Vide Finish

    About once a month I'll pick up a family pack of boneless breasts, packaging some for the freezer and at least 4 or 5 to brine and smoke for sandwiches or in salads. I freeze these individually so I can pull out one or two at a time. I used to hot smoke finish on my drum or Big Chief, but a...
  8. M

    Sous vide duck confit

    Hello, I recently shot a mess of Mallard ducks and have been interested in doing a confit recipe I saw. It uses the sous vide method as it takes much less rendered fat. My question is the recipe calls for 36 hrs at 155 in a vacuum sealed bag no cure just sea salt and pepper and garlic. Would...
  9. N

    Hanukkah Smoked Brisket

    I've never used a sous vide, mine will be delivered today sometime, I have never smoked a brisket, and I'm tired of beer braised brisket. I was reading about sous vide yesterday and All replied to a post that one could smoke a brisket until it got to the stall part, then bring it inside and...
  10. thirdeye

    Cold Smoked Loin ~ Finishing in Sous Vide?

    Today I'm on day 2 of a cold smoked loin ham cured with the daveomak injection method for 13 days. The meat temp has remained in the mid-30°'s the entire time, and my total smoke time will be 24 hours. Tonight I plan on holding in the refrigerator until Wednesday morning. I'll have plenty of...
  11. thirdeye

    ¿ Collagen Casing & Bologna In Sous Vide Questions ?

    I'm in a conversation with a gentleman on another cooking forum and wanted toss out some questions here: 1. How long are collegen or fiberous (FB) casings good for? I found 8 or 10 that must be 10 years old, they are the dark colored ones. 2. Has anyone made bologna that has small cubes of...
  12. Binford 6100

    Sous vide and smoked turkey

    So for thanks giving this year I am going to stray away from the deep frier and I want to due a combo of sous vide and smoking. I have never done this so I thought I would ask for some opinions. I will brine the bird, then I was thinking sous vide to about 150 and then finish on the smoker to...
  13. jjpiv33

    Induction top for poaching sausage

    I do not have a Sous vide machine, but I do have a commercial induction top I use for catering events. I'm thinking it'll be fine for poaching some chicken sausage I plan to make this weekend. Thoughts? Also, please give me some of your favorite recipes for chicken sausage. I have found many on...
  14. hunter rose

    How to cook thin sliced beef ribs?

    I found these at Sam's Club and it seemed interesting. Has anyone cooked these yet? They are thinly sliced, like a thinly cut slice of brisket. I am thinking that because they are thinner, maybe it would be better to Sous Vide and then finish in the smoker. Not certain. Have you smoked these?
  15. saltysandman

    whole brisket - smoked then sous vide

    morning to y'all! any of you have any experience with smoking a whole packer brisket and then finishing with sous vide? i saw an episode of sous vide everything and the plan was to smoke for 3 hours and then finish in the sous vide. Alas, my execution didn't go as planned. got busy and then...
  16. chopsaw

    Beef and Pepper sandwich

    Been buying whole eye rounds , cut in thirds , season with Canadian steak seasoning then vac packing and in the freezer . Works great for going from freezer to the SV pot . EDIT 131 for 29 hours I usually do this as a second meal , but this time took from the pot and built the sandwich ...
  17. hunter rose

    Prime NY Strips Sous Vide

    Our Costco still doesn't have toilet paper, but Prime NY Strips at 25% less than normal? Sure. Sous Vide to perfect medium rare for 2 hours, shocked in ice and finished on the smoker at 500 w/ Grill Grates.
  18. thirdeye

    SV Tri-Tip With Little Green Egg Finish

    Yesterday our snow storm let up and I had a 2# tri-tip in the fridge, and decided sous vide would be the ticket. I seasoned the roast with Montreal Steak seasoning, about 2 teaspoons of crushed garlic, and two pats of butter. I used a 133° water bath temperature (which is my favorite steak...
  19. H

    A couple of questions regarding Sous Vide

    Greetings all - my first post here. Just wondering, have any of you attempted to use a traditional recipe and 'translate' it into Sous Vide? I'm aware that certain things are a no-go, but just wonder if there are any suggestions as to how to, say, take one of my old hand-written recipes and try...
  20. hunter rose

    SV Ribeye Caps and Boneless Ribs

    My last meat pic of 2019. New Years Eve steak... Perfectly cooked Medium Rare 132 degrees. 3 Ribeye Caps and 6 Boneless Beef Ribs - Sous Vide for 3 hours and Reverse Seared on the Smoker. These ribeye caps are some of the best steaks I have ever had. Thank you to the cow for participating at...