helpful suggestions

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  1. A

    I intend to build a large and different offset smoker, and I hope you can give me some suggestions

    Hi everyone, I'm a fan of offset smoker from China. My name is Feng, and I'm the owner of a resort in Chengdu, China. I fell in love with the local BBQ after a trip to Texas this year. When I return to Chengdu, I plan to make my own oven to make Texas BBQ, so that Chengdu people can taste...
  2. R

    Grill Size Needed for smoking 2 Turkeys

    Last year I took over Thanksgiving turkey duty for parts of my family and I used my electric smoker to do both of them at once with decent results. I am looking to upgrade/consolidate equipment from a gas grill and electric smoker to a pellet grill. The one I have had my eye on is the Weber...
  3. Meateor Man 5000

    Help please / Advice

    Hey all, At 8pm last night, I started a 15lb brisket on my Traeger electric pellet smoker @ 190° (first time smoking on this Traeger) at 3:30am it was roughly 157° internal in the flat (digital thermometer inserted throughout smoking cycle) I refilled the pellets and cranked her up to 225° and...
  4. B

    Char Griller Duo

    Hi everyone! Brand new to this forum, and have only smoked once or twice before (and on a cheap bullet smoker). I’ve recently purchased the char griller duo, and attached the side fire box! I’m super keen to get my first smoke going, however have noticed the fire box hangs significantly...
  5. Zeke2024

    Suggestion for a Pellet Smoker Under $600

    2/11/24 Good morning everyone. I currently own a Traeger Pro Series 34. I bought this in April 2021, and have had nothing but trouble with it over the past 12 months. I've had to replace the thermostat, hot rod, and now, the entire controller. I've had it with Traeger. I am selling it and...
  6. R

    First smoker dimensions help

    Hi, I’m having a friend weld me a smoker and was wondering about dimensions, particularly the chimney size. How does all of this look: 16”X36” cooking chamber 16”X12” firebox 40” chimney at 3” diameter 20” opening from firebox to cooking chamber What do you all think? Link to BBQ Pit Calculator
  7. D

    Quick help with smoking Pork Butt

    This will be my first time smoking anything. I just got a pellet grill and am going to do pork butt as a starter. The basics, to make sure I got it right: - I couldn't find sufficient size, so I got 2 - 2.5lbs bone-in boston butt - I will smoke at 225 - I am planning on it taking about 5 hours...
  8. Y

    Struggling with Brisket

    Hello fellow smokers! I am new here and notice there is a lot of support. I am in the process of opening up a food truck and bought a Smokintex 1460 as space is limited. I am used to smoking in a massive Southern Pride smoker and I am struggling getting a hang of the Smokintex. I smoked a 10lb...
  9. Y

    Recommendations for Reverse Flow Smokers(Lang, Shirley & Glenn’s Pits)

    I am looking at a few different builders for a new reverse flow pit. I am not new to smoking meat but have never owned a stick burner. I want something that simply works and works well. I am looking for “patio” models to get started and have looked at Lang and Shirley quite a bit; however, I...
  10. B

    Forgot to turn down Preheat on Pork Shoulder

    Good Morrow! I’m a long time reader/advice taker from this forum but a new member. I’ve been smoking pork shoulder for roughly about a year and wanted to showcase my pork bbq at my brothers. Long story short - I had a lot going on this AM and left my smoker on at 275 for the first two hrs...
  11. M

    Brisket Brined for PASTRAMI Question

    Hi All .... Here's the deal .... New NEW Newbie on here ... So am learning how this all works. From Northern Canada ... I've been smoking for about 5 yrs now - Started with a little Bradley Kettle Smoker - Then onto an Oklahoma Joe and Bradley 6 rack digital. I use both the latest ones now...
  12. A

    Cold Smoking in Alberta

    Good evening everyone, my first post here, what a great forum to find, so much great information and knowledge. I've recently moved to Alberta, Canada from the London, England with my family. My father-in-law and I have decided to set up a cold smoker using his old stand up freezer, and...
  13. C

    Old BBQ070 to digital?

    I purchased an older traeger with the 3 position switch a few years ago. It has always worked flawlessly but the switch is starting to be a real pain to move. I’m interested recommendations on going digital. There’s not much info out there. Also by doing this can I have a shut down sequence...
  14. C

    Help! Pitboss1100pb

    Hello, I just bought a pitboss 1100 from lowes been messing with this thing for about 2 weeks now. Tried smoking and everything cooks way to fast. I have it set on p7 and my temp gauge is still reading 250-290. I've messed with the cap on the smoke stack, tried different pellets. Tried looking...
  15. T

    Smoking today, eating burnt ends tomorrow

    Hello friends! Just joined this forum after reading many of all of your posts to help me begin smoking. Thank you all. I'm smoking a brisket right now, and I decided to separate the point from the flat before I rubbed or smoked anything. One reason being that I wanna make burnt ends with that...
  16. Bsrdsteve

    New to Offset and Charcoal Smoking, Help.

    New to smoking and used an electric smoker for the last year. I just purchased a Dyna Glo vertical offset smoker. Did some suggested mods (sealed the seams and placed a heat diverter in the cook box). I started by seasoning it and testing with a lump hickory coal. Got a real heavy white smoke...
  17. M

    Featured In Need Of Some Guidance On A Build!

    I am relatively new to forums in general, but I cam across this one when I was looking for cold smoker plans. I am currently a high school senior in rural Montana who is an avid fisher and hunter. I enjoy cooking as it has always been my passion and wanted to explore the world of smoking b...
  18. K

    Wrapped my ribs in foil before smoking

    So of course the first time i attempt the 2 1 1 method of smoking ribs without recipe reference, I goofed and instead if letting them sit bare on the wrack for the first 2 hours I wrapped them tight in foil and put them in, not realizing my mistake until the 2 hour alarm went off. I'm positive...
  19. M

    HELP - Pit Boss 4-1 Electric Smoker Not Getting Above 150

    My Thanksgiving is in danger!!! My Pit Boss 4-1 electric smoker is not getting above 150 degrees. I have a 19lb turkey, the smoker can do up to 20lbs. The temp outside is in the low 40s. The vents are also open and the temp is turned all the way to high. I also have the prob in the breast. I...
  20. L

    Pitboss 820 Issues(hot rod or electrical)

    I've got a Pitboss 820 i bought from lowes a few months back, we used it a few times with great results but after the fourth or so time, the device stopped heating. I did some research and settled on the hotrod not working. Ordered a new one and swapped it out. After which, it still did not heat...