No plate shot though, and yeah. The bone tips got a little toasty when they were hanging through the grill rack bars while I was getting hot flame on the membrane to burn it away :D
So a couple of weeks ago I posted about my big yearly meat hunt here:
2023 Hunting Trip in the Books pre QView Included :D
My 2023 yearly hunting trip is in the books! I scored 3 doe, 1 cull buck (3pt) and 1 feral hog. My brother scored 1 cull buck (4pt) and 1 feral hog. We got lucky that the weather held up Friday evening for us to get our major hunting in Friday. Sat morning was completely rained out but had a...
Well yesterday I got the meat back from the processor (outsourced to a processor BUT only to do straight grind with no fat added for me and save the pork ribs whole).
My freezers are packed to the brim with 125lbs of meat total.
It breaks down to 82lbs pure venison grind, 35lbs pure pork grind, and 8lbs of pork ribs!!!
The pork ribs are the most sizable and are oddballed shape for stacking so they will be eaten 1st.
Cooked that 1 whole rack seasoned with SPOG+Paprika.
Wrapped tightly in foil with a few ounces of water poured into the foil wrapping/pouch.
Cooked in the oven at 375F until tender (maybe a couple hours?). I checked tenderness with a toothpick.
When tender I turned on the grill and got it to like 575F degrees and threw the ribs on bone side down to burn off the membrane.
Flipped after a bit to get a good sear on the meat side. Boom ribs done!
Nice, juicy, tender, and flavorful. These wild hogs don't have as much fat as a farm raised pig so cooking the ribs this way keeps them from drying out, keeps them tender, and keeps em grill char tasty!
The other rack will get cooked on Saturday since these will only last through tomorrow.
Then on to eating some other items in the freezers to make room for making sausage in smaller batches (5-10 pounds)!!!!
Thanks for riding along. I hope you enjoyed :D