God Bless each and every one of you that served our Country both here and overseas!!!
And for those who gave their lives protecting the American democracy we all owe you more than we can ever repay you and your families. The least we can do to repay you is by continuing to fight for the American way by rooting out the people trying to destroy this beautiful Country from inside our Government both locally and abroad.
Enough is enough, it's time to stand together and fight for our rights given to us by our founding fathers when they wrote the declaration of independence and the 27 amendments that protect us as a union.
I saw this photo yesterday, and it really hit me hard.
NEVER EVER FORGET the men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation and the freedom that they fought for and unselfishly gave too us and our families.
"This is a photo is of a mass burial at sea, on the USS Intrepid in 1944 following a kamikaze attack. I've never seen this photo, and I figure most of you probably haven't either. I posted this, so people could see, and remember the incredible sacrifices made on our behalf."
God Bless our armed forces for the sacrifices both they and their families made for our great nation.
It's time we start repaying them by fighting the evil that is trying to destroy our laws and liberties from the inside out. It's time we stand up together to stop these people from taking advantage of our kindness, it's not a weakness. We got this if we just stick together and do the right thing.
I raise my glass and offer up a plate of brisket and all the fixings too each and every one of our troops that have served and are serving us and our great nation.