These past few months have been spent getting our house ready to sell, which includes selling off alot of our belongings. We're trying to pare down our belongings to one storage unit. I will, of course, store my KJ and my Napoleon gas grill for future use.
By September we should be back in Pensacola, FL where our sailboat awaits us. While we still have some prep to complete, our plan is to leave Florida in December so we can spend our 31st anniversary in the Caribbean. From there, beginning mid-May, 2025, we'll head north along the eastern seaboard stopping here and there, before heading across the Atlantic.
We do have a Magma grill on board, so I'm sure I'll be posting some catch, clean and cook threads here and there. For now, however, it's back to work prepping the house. I'll be sure yo check in at least at the major milestones.
TBS to all!
By September we should be back in Pensacola, FL where our sailboat awaits us. While we still have some prep to complete, our plan is to leave Florida in December so we can spend our 31st anniversary in the Caribbean. From there, beginning mid-May, 2025, we'll head north along the eastern seaboard stopping here and there, before heading across the Atlantic.
We do have a Magma grill on board, so I'm sure I'll be posting some catch, clean and cook threads here and there. For now, however, it's back to work prepping the house. I'll be sure yo check in at least at the major milestones.
TBS to all!