Been studying and doing a lot of deep dives into various salumi products. They don't just hang them in an area 55*F; 80%RH. There are multiple stages with various temp. and humidity. Basically you start with higher temps. and lower humidity and gradually lower the temp. while raising the RH%.I have been reading a lot of Victor's stuff at Taste of Artisan:
And learned that Auber has upgraded their controllers. You can now have 8 programmable cycles for up to 31 days. Victor is using this feature for the drying phase after salt curing whole cuts prior to maturing in the chamber. His results are fantastic! He uses a non-frost free 4cu.ft. fridge for the drying cycles. I am taking the plunge.... Hope to have the drying chamber set up sometime next week for when my wild hog coppa and lonzino are finished salt curing and are ready to dry.
I just ordered components.....
And learned that Auber has upgraded their controllers. You can now have 8 programmable cycles for up to 31 days. Victor is using this feature for the drying phase after salt curing whole cuts prior to maturing in the chamber. His results are fantastic! He uses a non-frost free 4cu.ft. fridge for the drying cycles. I am taking the plunge.... Hope to have the drying chamber set up sometime next week for when my wild hog coppa and lonzino are finished salt curing and are ready to dry.
I just ordered components.....
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