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Hey everyone. I read the sticky and saw that you can use gum trees for smoking. My question is does that include sweet gum. You know, the ones with the irritating spiney balls that hurt everyone's feet.
I don't think anyone is ignoring me. I understand not everyone knows everything. Thats why I asked. I figure someone might know the answer but hasn't read the thread yet. Someone will tell me sometime.
Have Been Using Sweet Gum For Over 35+ Years...No One That I Know Has Gotten Ill From Smoking With It.
It Being Such A Strong Smoke Wood We Mix It With Oak....
I smoke my meats and smokehouse that is over 60 years old everytime that smokehouse was smoking there was sweet gum smoking the meatwhatever kind of meat it was I just don't understand why they say it's not good for you or it will make you sick
"I am a furniture maker by profession, and I must tell you to stop using the red gum. It's scientific name is Liquidambar styraciflua, and is also called sweet gum. It is a member of the witch hazel family and should have the astringency and bitterness of "witch hazel" lotion. It is frequently used for furniture when people can get it. The redgum is the heartwood of the tree and thus has the MOST of the extractives and bad stuff (to eat) in it. So stop using it and try something else; you might even be poisoning yourself.
Ray "