Strawberries ~ Foamheart

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Gone but not forgotten. RIP
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I see they are expecting 18 to 30" tonight at Woodcutters mansion. No snow in Nawlins, but a pretty good down pour. Baby sister sometimes shows up with good stuff. She is like my Pop was, likes strawberries any way she can get ‘em.

Well the berries have been in for about 3 weeks now but little to no rain. makes 'em hard and tuff. Got a couple of small showers this last week so the berries will be riper and plumper. With the torrential downpour yesterday and today, it will be a week before the berries will be worth picking again. They will taste like water and spoil (mold) overnite. She knows this and brought by some strawberries picked day before yesterday.

I made jelly! I had already started when I remembered pictures. Besides ain't much to canning jelly.


36 jars of fresh strawberry jelly.


Enough left over for some pies tomorrow.

Someone was asking about glazes with unset jelly the last couple a days. I do it all the time. I don't get much that doesn't set any more but........

Not only does it make glazes but think syrup on waffles, (Charlie Waffles!)! Topping Ice cream! I actually would make jelly just for glazes just for that wonderful taste modifier and I will mix and match flavors using extracts and spices when building glazes. People will want a taste and then want jelly in those flavors...>LOL

Wish I was in Wisconsin with Mr.Todd. We'd make some strawberry snow ice cream!

LOL.... BTW tomorrows coffee will be cowboy coffee, black and bitter, I used up all the sugar in the house!
Man oh man Foamy, I love strawberry jelly! I make one with strawberries and jalapenos that's pretty good if you like the heat. Now I gotta get some berries when it dries out......oh, and strawberry short cake...hmmmmmmmm!!!!
Kevin that looks like you will have to eat a jar a week.That looks like a lot of work. LIKES
We only get good strawberries in the winter, so most of the time I just buy the bags of frozen berries at Walmart for making jam. Honestly I really can't tell the difference between fresh & frozen for jam. Of course strawberry shortcake or something like that, you have to have fresh!
Foam, I too like strawberries anyway I can get them ! Nice batch of jelly,enjoy that black coffee this am !:)
Nice jam man.... but I know you had to use some of those berries to make your world famous Kev’s Kitchen Counter Top Hooch.
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Man oh man Foamy, I love strawberry jelly! I make one with strawberries and jalapenos that's pretty good if you like the heat. Now I gotta get some berries when it dries out......oh, and strawberry short cake...hmmmmmmmm!!!!

Isn't next weekend the Strawberry Fest. in Ponchatulla? They will have the berries stacked 20 flats high everywhere. If you've never been its worth the drive over. Its really amazing. Good wine too!
Kevin that looks like you will have to eat a jar a week.That looks like a lot of work. LIKES

You know Richie there is a lot you can do with jelly! Topping hot waffles is one of my favorites! And when you have jelly you get pretty free with its usage....>LOL Like 2 waffles is one jar of jelly....ROFLMAO!
You know Richie there is a lot you can do with jelly! Topping hot waffles is one of my favorites! And when you have jelly you get pretty free with its usage....>LOL Like 2 waffles is one jar of jelly....ROFLMAO!

Let me number crunch this 2 waffles 1 jar of Jam + ROFLM(F)AO LOL (fat)
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We only get good strawberries in the winter, so most of the time I just buy the bags of frozen berries at Walmart for making jam. Honestly I really can't tell the difference between fresh & frozen for jam. Of course strawberry shortcake or something like that, you have to have fresh!

We plant strawberries on October, we'll usually get one picking before they go dormate for the winter then about March they start makin dem berries big time. When you have ready access to fresh... its the only way to go. And these were the Chandler variety! You can't get a better berry IMHO.
NICE !!! Kevin... BD and I are envisioning some quart jars on the kitchen counter... UMMMMMM good....

Nice jam man.... but I know you had to use some of those berries to make your world famous Kev’s Kitchen Counter Top Hooch.
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I told ya, I ran outta sugar and berries. I'll get some strawberry juice going, it just won't be the premium berries probably.

I am always ready for fruit jelly. Heck I had 15 pounds of sugar, 4 cases of new jars and probably at least twice that many more used, and a dozen boxes of pectin all on hand. I'll get some more strawberries and sugar.

I still have 'bout gallon left from last years batch. You know the baseball game comes on in 30 mins. and that's not a bad idea......
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Isn't next weekend the Strawberry Fest. in Ponchatulla? They will have the berries stacked 20 flats high everywhere. If you've never been its worth the drive over. Its really amazing. Good wine too!
I've been many times....use to date a girl from there. That strawberry wine is some good stuff!!!
Anyone that makes jello, there should be no doubt what is for breakfast the next day.........


Homemade Bibbits!

And homemade sausage!
And homemade Jelly!


Now that'll get ya started in the morning! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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