I see they are expecting 18 to 30" tonight at Woodcutters mansion. No snow in Nawlins, but a pretty good down pour. Baby sister sometimes shows up with good stuff. She is like my Pop was, likes strawberries any way she can get ‘em.
Well the berries have been in for about 3 weeks now but little to no rain. makes 'em hard and tuff. Got a couple of small showers this last week so the berries will be riper and plumper. With the torrential downpour yesterday and today, it will be a week before the berries will be worth picking again. They will taste like water and spoil (mold) overnite. She knows this and brought by some strawberries picked day before yesterday.
I made jelly! I had already started when I remembered pictures. Besides ain't much to canning jelly.
36 jars of fresh strawberry jelly.
Enough left over for some pies tomorrow.
Someone was asking about glazes with unset jelly the last couple a days. I do it all the time. I don't get much that doesn't set any more but........
Not only does it make glazes but think syrup on waffles, (Charlie Waffles!)! Topping Ice cream! I actually would make jelly just for glazes just for that wonderful taste modifier and I will mix and match flavors using extracts and spices when building glazes. People will want a taste and then want jelly in those flavors...>LOL
Wish I was in Wisconsin with Mr.Todd. We'd make some strawberry snow ice cream!
LOL.... BTW tomorrows coffee will be cowboy coffee, black and bitter, I used up all the sugar in the house!
Well the berries have been in for about 3 weeks now but little to no rain. makes 'em hard and tuff. Got a couple of small showers this last week so the berries will be riper and plumper. With the torrential downpour yesterday and today, it will be a week before the berries will be worth picking again. They will taste like water and spoil (mold) overnite. She knows this and brought by some strawberries picked day before yesterday.
I made jelly! I had already started when I remembered pictures. Besides ain't much to canning jelly.
36 jars of fresh strawberry jelly.
Enough left over for some pies tomorrow.
Someone was asking about glazes with unset jelly the last couple a days. I do it all the time. I don't get much that doesn't set any more but........
Not only does it make glazes but think syrup on waffles, (Charlie Waffles!)! Topping Ice cream! I actually would make jelly just for glazes just for that wonderful taste modifier and I will mix and match flavors using extracts and spices when building glazes. People will want a taste and then want jelly in those flavors...>LOL
Wish I was in Wisconsin with Mr.Todd. We'd make some strawberry snow ice cream!
LOL.... BTW tomorrows coffee will be cowboy coffee, black and bitter, I used up all the sugar in the house!