- Dec 29, 2013
- 6
- 10
Hi everyone! Looking forward to reading about tips and tricks along with experiences, and hope to get good enough to share the same. today was my first time ever smoking. It was a5 pound tenderloin and I started at 2:30 p.m. Set it to 250 degrees. I used Hickory Weber brand smoke chips. I set the temperature with propane to about 250 degrees. after an hour and a half I checked it and flipped the meat and added more water soaked hickory chips.with a Masterbuilt brand I don't know if the temperature gauge was accurate or not but at bout 5 o'clock internal temperature which was around 142. so then I wrapped the pieces in foil and let them cure in my oven.obviously my oven was off but after a half an hour II ate some of the greatest pork loin I have ever had but I probably think that because I made it myself. Also a main thing I didn't tell everyone is I cut the five pound pork loin in half 50 50 and I usedapple wood rub and injected it with a seasoned salt and apple juice marinade. everything seems to turn out good and I had a nice pink surroundingand white in the middle. I hope to share more stories and please feel free to give me more pointers or advice or if you have a Masterbuilt 7 in 1 tell me about your experience,.