I'm planning on smoking two pork butts next weekend both around 8-10 lbs. So I'm thinking 8-10 hours @ 225 deg. My friend told me if I cook two of them it will increase my cooking time by almost half . Is this correct.?
The qty does not matter but you are probably a bit off on your times. Cooking at 225 deg i would guess your cook time will be closer to the 12-15 hour mark, possibly longer, especially if you are not foiling at any point during the cook. Butts are very forgiving so dont be afraid to cook at a higher temp. Also allow for at least 1 hour rest time after the cook.
I'm planning on smoking two pork butts next weekend both around 8-10 lbs. So I'm thinking 8-10 hours @ 225 deg. My friend told me if I cook two of them it will increase my cooking time by almost half . Is this correct.?
Hey James, sorry I didn't get back around sooner to answer your question, but the guys have covered it all nicely...good advice given by all. The thing to remember, is just relax and enjoy the ride...except for the patience required due to the length of the cook, a butt is a very easy piece of meat to smoke, so you'll do fine. Best advice on deciding whether to foil or not to foil: try it one way this time, and the other way the next time and see how you like it best. The good thing is there's no wrong answer...its all about personal preference.
Thanks Red , what do you mean when it reaches the STALL ?