Direct quotes in BLUE:
But with the ragging on about Tender Quick, I called Morton Salt, and asked them about nitrates in their cure.
Their Tech said it is perfectly safe for curing Bacon, and always has been, and anybody who says it isn't safe is wrong!
Then I emailed the USDA:
I said, If it isn't safe, maybe the USDA should tell Morton Salt about it.
Maybe it should say on the package, "DO NOT USE TO CURE BACON!"
I told them, I have 17.2 pounds of Pork Belly in my refrigerator, curing in Tender Quick right now for my own use.
I was planning on smoking it Saturday, June 18, 2011.
I asked them if it was safe to eat, if I follow the instructions on the Tender Quick bag.
( I also told them I had been using it for years, and I love it)
This is the reply I got from the USDA:
Response Via Email (PDD Staff Officer) | 06/14/2011 06:54 PM |
Enjoy your home cured/smoked bacon. I am sure that Morton Company is aware of the USDA FSIS Policy change away from nitrates. The concern for nitrosamines and cholesterol has scared some into changing their eating habits.
I enjoy scrambled eggs, bacon, homemade hash browns and black coffee with caffeine for breakfast every chance I get and have been for the past 45 years. I also enjoy ham with my eggs sometimes as well......smoked pork ribs....pulled pork BBQ...salami....summer sausage...jerky....and on and on.
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The reason I called Morton's, and emailed USDA was not because I was worried about Tender Quick.
It was because every time someone mentions cure, you post how TQ is not safe.
Then I say if it wasn't safe they wouldn't be allowed to sell it as a safe cure for Bacon & other meats.
I asked you before if you ever asked the USDA why they allow it to be sold, or if you ever talked to Morton's techs.
You said you tried, but could not get ahold of them.
So I did it.
It took about 2 minutes to get to talk to someone from Mortons (on the phone), and USDA got back to me the next day.
I have not seen anything that makes me think Morton Tender Quick is unsafe.
Morton's actually got very disturbed at me. I told them ---"Whoa--Whoa---it wasn't me who said it was unsafe, it was another guy".
They said you were wrong, and you should call them, instead of badmouthing their product, about something you don't understand.
All I can say is what I asked both of them, and the answers I got from them.
Like I said, Maybe you can get different answers from them.
Call Morton's, and let us know what they tell you.
Email USDA, and ask them what I asked them (Is Tender Quick safe?, and if not, why are they allowed to sell it?)
Later Al,