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I made an account just to comment on this. i found one at the cabelas in central ky for $15. i have the masterbuilt me140 so ill have to drill holes to mount the kit but it will fit a 40 inch. as far as hooking up power im not sure but it runs off 12VDC so i may just hook it to an external wall wart. it comes with a 20 inch rod (fits 40 inch) and a 15 inch rod.
if i get around to it today ill try to document the steps for anyone else with a 40 inch electric
so... if you want to run this in an ME140 you need to drill some holes. i recommend using a step bit that goes up to 1 inch an checking the hole size against the motor mount sleeve to make sure you dont go to big. i went for a very snug fit as to not make to big of a hot spot on the outer wall. go slow as the metal is very thin and the bit will wrap up some of the fiber glass insulation. you will need to use some force to press the threaded sleeve into the motor mount to get it to thread in. next install the spit rod and and, going by feel, mark where you want the bracket that holds the spit to go. you dont want all the weight resting on the motor or you can cause it to overheat or bind. i drilled two holes and ran some bolts thru that i had laying around. use washers on the outside so as not to warp the wall over time.
the motor is 12vdc and the wires are color coded red and black. i cut the male plug off and attached a female plug so i can use a 12vdc wall wart to provide power. with a 500ma adapter the motor still made plenty of torque.
hope this helps someone out there.
I really wanted to grab one of these rotisserie accessories, but I aslo wanted to buy the broiler unit that mounts above it to really make it useful. Unfortunately, Masterbuilt doesn't have any of the broiler unts for the 440/s and keeps telling me to keep checking for when they get more in. Well, as you can see from the price, they're closing them out, and won't be getting anymore in. I keep searching the Internet to see if any of their distributors have a broiler unit, but have been unsuccessful so far.
Without the broiler I wouldn't mess with spinning meat at 275° or less. The 3 Mes smokers (the lowes mes 30 dual top vent, the 430 and 440) that have broilers have ceilings to accomadate the heat generated at close proximity to them. Any other Mes the insulation in the top will fry up and smoke/catch on fire. If you put a small pan of charcoal under the spinning meat I think it's still too hot for the insulation. Most of us have an expanding smoker from the insulation with cracking plastic door caps and bulging back panel etc from normal temps measured with calibrated digital pit therms. Let alone the right rear corner where the burner is located. Lots of pics show fried insulation in right rear corners with the back removed and no chips have ever caught on fire. That's one of the reasons I flipped the element in my Gen 1 40 when I went to the PID controller for even heating and getting it away from wasting the insulation in the corner.