Questions on brisket.

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pc farmer

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Feb 17, 2013
Central Pa
I bought a brisket to cook, it won't fit in anything I have but my uds which I can use.

Thinking about cutting the point off and cooking it separately.

Ideas? Good? Bad?
I don't know why that wouldn't work. I've only done one "whole" one (I cut the flats off to use for Corned Beef and just smoke the points) and the the flat got too done. It may be a blessing that you can monitor them separately....
I don't know why that wouldn't work. I've only done one "whole" one (I cut the flats off to use for Corned Beef and just smoke the points) and the the flat got too done. It may be a blessing that you can monitor them separately....
  ​I thought about doing that too.   Smoke the point and pastrami with the flat.
I've done that a bunch of times with good results. Just keep an eye on both pieces to get them probe tender. Most of mine finished up at different times.

Thanks.   The point takes longer?
Oh my somebody's gonna cook a brisket! I have to cut a hunk off mine but always gave cooked whole,the chunk gets wrapped before I go to bed and it's breakfast in the morning. Looking forward to your outcome!
Oh my somebody's gonna cook a brisket! I have to cut a hunk off mine but always gave cooked whole,the chunk gets wrapped before I go to bed and it's breakfast in the morning. Looking forward to your outcome!
SO you cut a hunk off the flat?    
Yes, about 4 or 5 inches.
I could cut enough off for pastrami off of the flat, leave the point attached and cook that way in any cooker I have.

Thanks for the help.
Put a beer can or soft drink can in the middle of the brisket...will it fit then?

Beer can? Aint no beer in cans here. Lol. Yea, might be able to make something like that work.
Pardon my inexperience, but I did my first "brisket" a few weeks back.  It was the flat only, and turned out ok.  I undercooked it a little bit, but that was my fault.  I don't see why you couldn't separate and cook them. 
Hey Adam, I've done brisket separations for the same reason (grate size too small). It works out can trim them up lean, or leave some fat-cap on if you like. I rarely smoke whole packers for the last several years and opt to separate and trim, instead...I just like the outcome better, and burnt ends are the bomb, so having the point ready to cube-up when it's at my desired I/T makes for a simpler mid-smoke prep.

Here is the first one I did back in, did this bring back memories (from my sig line):

There's always a way to make those bigger pieces fit if you're determined enough, such as tying the ends together in a ring shape similar to rack of lamb (if head-space is adequate), but it separation makes it easier to finish it all up, why not?

Last packer I had I separated the point & flat.

Cut the flat in half.

Cured 1/2 the flat & the point & smoked the other half of the flat for sliced brisket.

I used the cured flat for corned beef in the crock pot, & smoked the cured point for pastrami.

Since there are only two of us this made 3 small sized pieces of meat & three different flavors.

Adam I have never done a whole one,mine I usually cut into 2 or 3 pieces.If I remember you have a vertical,can you hang it with bacon hooks in that one?

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