Unfortunately I have to work the evening of Thanksiving. We are having a potluck and since I have the morning off I think I'll smoke something. Been going back and forth about what to make. Right now still planning on something with turkey but others may bring turkey too so if anyone has crazy suggestions then bring them on. Just needs to be a main course meat, but no ham.
I don't have the time or energy for a whole turkey, plus wouldn't be good for my group. So, I'm trying to decide between Jeff's latest articles and either do a couple of the boneless breasts or do a dozen or so legs. Any suggestions? Breasts are easy and good but legs are a little more unique and good.
I do have a couple questions for either one though
1. If the breast may be done a couple hours before work, and then will just be left out for a feast that usually lasts for 6hrs or so. Would a good plan be to wrap in foil, place in cooler with towels, then just before I leave for work slice, place in crock pot, 10min to work and leave in crock pot on warm setting while at work?
2. For legs, I can only find one store that sells them, and they are the smaller ones and .98 cents a pound,essentially a dollar a leg. I'd do 12-15 legs. They come three to a package but store has plenty. Is this a good deal, or pass on them?
3. If doing legs can I use the above method to serve? Wrap in foil, cooler with towels, then unfoil and stack them in a crock pot on warm.
In return for help I will be sure to post photos after the holiday.
I don't have the time or energy for a whole turkey, plus wouldn't be good for my group. So, I'm trying to decide between Jeff's latest articles and either do a couple of the boneless breasts or do a dozen or so legs. Any suggestions? Breasts are easy and good but legs are a little more unique and good.
I do have a couple questions for either one though
1. If the breast may be done a couple hours before work, and then will just be left out for a feast that usually lasts for 6hrs or so. Would a good plan be to wrap in foil, place in cooler with towels, then just before I leave for work slice, place in crock pot, 10min to work and leave in crock pot on warm setting while at work?
2. For legs, I can only find one store that sells them, and they are the smaller ones and .98 cents a pound,essentially a dollar a leg. I'd do 12-15 legs. They come three to a package but store has plenty. Is this a good deal, or pass on them?
3. If doing legs can I use the above method to serve? Wrap in foil, cooler with towels, then unfoil and stack them in a crock pot on warm.
In return for help I will be sure to post photos after the holiday.