I usually smoke my poultry at 250* and ribs at 225*; however, those ribs will turn out just fine at the 250* temps. If you know your smoker well, you've figured out that not all areas of a smoker are created equal -- keep the chicken on the hot area and the ribs on the cool area. No matter what, 250* will get everything done just fine -- it'll just be ready a smidgen faster.
For the spares you'll want to use the 3-2-1 method; the chicken quarters should be done around the time you foil the ribs (3-4 hours). If you want everything done at nearly the same time, then put the chicken in about 2 hours into your rib smoke (which means you can start the ribs at 225* for a couple of hours).
The ABT's take 60-90 min. -- closer to 60 if you're at 250* cook temp; you'll want those for appetizers, so plan the timing accordingly.
(WHAT am I saying?!!! -- you'll want the ABT's all to yourself while you smoke everything else, so don't tell anyone you're making them!!!)
Cheers! And don't forget the Q-view!!!