This post is to show case one of the forum TD sponsors, Porter Road. I happened to win these at the last TD because
asked me to swap prizes because of the shipping to the north country. I choose to get some of Porter Road young whole birds.
These birds are free range bug feed….. I got 3 ish pounders….
Over all these are nicely promotion and uniform.
Ok I also thought I would share a few techniques here as well…. I choose to remove a portion of the backbone to facilitate differential cooking, more I that later….
Seasoned it up with kinders buttery steakhouse….
Ok here is a hack….or rather tip…. I got tired of having to clean the whole counter top and 1/2 the kitchen floor cleaning up spices that go all over the place…….sooooooo I set the cutting board in the sink and season away!!!!
No more mess and even better no cleaning and easier to have a nice pic for posting!
On the bird went to the RT 1250….since this is a small bird I bumped the temp to 375 for crispy skin….this is about 10 min in…. See how close the temps are…..
So the gravy…..put the wing tips and removed backbone in a pan to sear with butter and veg… when seared up I deglazed with white wine and cooked that in….
Once the wine was cooked in, about 15 mins in went some fresh herbs and chicken stock and chicken base and veg base…..
Progress shot on the color….
The stats…about 35 min in, note the temp differential between breast and thigh…. It’s getting a bit more…..
I turned it to get even skin at 45 min in…..
Bingo time to pull….. not the perfect differential in INT….
Man just happy!
During the initial clean up I noticed that these birds a rather lean. The skin is almost translucent and the finished crispy skin in this short cook shows here!
The wife has been craving these so seared up some Bsprouts then finished with diced shallots, butter, soy, honey, and white pepper….
The boy seared up these button halves to go with the dish as well. He is the mushroom searing master!!!!
Ok after all that here is the final plate….the 1/2 bird is joined by some Idaho Yukon mash and the BS is dressed with……wait for it….. Caroline white sauce…..the wife’s idea and it is crazy good addition!
Ok my final thoughts on the Porter Road birds….. well I was expecting a little gamey tone, however, they were a very clean and smooth flavor tone…. They are also very lean….very close to a wild pheasant…..this translates to very crispy skin money…….
Just want to say thanks to Porter Road for sponsoring…. If you want a clean bird they are a set above the GS bird for sure and worth a try!

These birds are free range bug feed….. I got 3 ish pounders….
Over all these are nicely promotion and uniform.
Ok I also thought I would share a few techniques here as well…. I choose to remove a portion of the backbone to facilitate differential cooking, more I that later….
Seasoned it up with kinders buttery steakhouse….
Ok here is a hack….or rather tip…. I got tired of having to clean the whole counter top and 1/2 the kitchen floor cleaning up spices that go all over the place…….sooooooo I set the cutting board in the sink and season away!!!!
No more mess and even better no cleaning and easier to have a nice pic for posting!
On the bird went to the RT 1250….since this is a small bird I bumped the temp to 375 for crispy skin….this is about 10 min in…. See how close the temps are…..
So the gravy…..put the wing tips and removed backbone in a pan to sear with butter and veg… when seared up I deglazed with white wine and cooked that in….
Once the wine was cooked in, about 15 mins in went some fresh herbs and chicken stock and chicken base and veg base…..
Progress shot on the color….
The stats…about 35 min in, note the temp differential between breast and thigh…. It’s getting a bit more…..
I turned it to get even skin at 45 min in…..
Bingo time to pull….. not the perfect differential in INT….
Man just happy!
During the initial clean up I noticed that these birds a rather lean. The skin is almost translucent and the finished crispy skin in this short cook shows here!
The wife has been craving these so seared up some Bsprouts then finished with diced shallots, butter, soy, honey, and white pepper….
The boy seared up these button halves to go with the dish as well. He is the mushroom searing master!!!!
Ok after all that here is the final plate….the 1/2 bird is joined by some Idaho Yukon mash and the BS is dressed with……wait for it….. Caroline white sauce…..the wife’s idea and it is crazy good addition!
Ok my final thoughts on the Porter Road birds….. well I was expecting a little gamey tone, however, they were a very clean and smooth flavor tone…. They are also very lean….very close to a wild pheasant…..this translates to very crispy skin money…….
Just want to say thanks to Porter Road for sponsoring…. If you want a clean bird they are a set above the GS bird for sure and worth a try!