So it's been awhile since I've had to cook more then one shoulder. Over the weekend I figured why not go big and cook two shoulders one for Tuesday and the other for Saturday at a friends cookout. Well I did everything the same that I normally do using my 2in1 char-broiler. At about 9 hours both meats reached 200 degrees. I brought them in and let them sit for 15 minutes before I pulled them. The first pulled like expected and turned out great. But the second one which was cooking underneath the smaller one gave me all kinds of problem. I tried to pull the shoulder bone and it would just not give. The meat was tough and wouldn't shred by hand and I swear the temp was only at 170 when before it was at 200. So since it was late and I already put my smoker away I had to resort to putting the meat in the oven and hope that I could save it. Let it cook to 200 and took the meat out and the crap felt even tougher and now felt dried out. My wife insists that if I chop or try and shred it then no one will be able to tell the difference once I mix the meats together. I on the other hand want to punt this thing in the trash for being a pain in the ass.