Received my Smokin-It Model #2 yesterday and will be christening it this weekend with a butt for pulled pork and a couple racks of spare ribs. Have not purchased the meat yet, but will probably be looking at a 7.5-8lb. butt. Would like to have all ready for dinner around 5pm Sunday night.
Based on that I figure the butt should go on around 11pm Saturday. Since I'm cooking to temp and not time I'm going to plan for 2 hrs/lb to be sure it's done in time, which means 14-16 hours of cook time plus a couple hours to rest should put me right around my 5pm goal.
Ribs will be 3-2-1, so the plan is to throw them on around 10am so that I can pull and rest them for a bit.
When I put the ribs on at 10am I'm going to need to add wood...I assume this won't be a problem since by then the butt will have absorbed about all the smoke it's going to take anyway...correct? I don't want to "oversmoke" the butt. Would I be better off starting the butt earlier on Saturday so that it reaches IT before the ribs need to go on, and cooler the butt for several hours until the ribs are done? (pulling right before serving)
I realize this is an inexact science and there are many variables that can't even be accounted for until I'm actually into the smoke and see how things are progressing, but I would appreciate any and all comments and suggestions nonetheless.
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Based on that I figure the butt should go on around 11pm Saturday. Since I'm cooking to temp and not time I'm going to plan for 2 hrs/lb to be sure it's done in time, which means 14-16 hours of cook time plus a couple hours to rest should put me right around my 5pm goal.
Ribs will be 3-2-1, so the plan is to throw them on around 10am so that I can pull and rest them for a bit.
When I put the ribs on at 10am I'm going to need to add wood...I assume this won't be a problem since by then the butt will have absorbed about all the smoke it's going to take anyway...correct? I don't want to "oversmoke" the butt. Would I be better off starting the butt earlier on Saturday so that it reaches IT before the ribs need to go on, and cooler the butt for several hours until the ribs are done? (pulling right before serving)
I realize this is an inexact science and there are many variables that can't even be accounted for until I'm actually into the smoke and see how things are progressing, but I would appreciate any and all comments and suggestions nonetheless.
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