Forgot the pictures last night when I put them in the fridge. 12 hour shoot day with an hour drive on either end, so I was a bit out of it. I stayed basic for this one since its only my 2nd bacon. Used the calculator on to figure my cure, salt, and sugar. Used Pink Cure #1, natural sea salt, and light brown sugar. 9.8lb belly, cut in two. Going to let it cure for 7-8 days then into the smoker. I did a hot smoke last time and brought the bellies up to 160deg, but the taste was a little more ham-like. This time, I think I'm going to do a cold smoke and try to keep it under 80 deg for about 5-6 hours. I was also thinking of brushing one belly with pure maple syrup and the other one with some orange blossom honey I have left over before I smoke them.