I'm heading out of town this afternoon. Need these butts ready to go by 5pm. I'm putting them on now. I wanted to start at 7am, but I was up until 4am and slept in (ruptured disc in my back, terrible). Anyway, I really just want to give them a few hours of good smoke and then foil em, and take em with me and finish in the over when I get there. It's about a 1.5 hour trip. I'm doing them on my new Master Forge double door propane. Smoking with hickory and apple. Temp between 230 and 250. Will I be able to get some good smoke for a few hours? How high do you think I'll get the internals up to in that small window? Oh, fyi, it's just two butts, pretty small, about 4.5 lbs. a piece. All I could find on short notice from the Bi-Lo. Thanks, brothers.