When I first started making BBQ and found this forum a few years ago I was very active in here. At the time I believed this was the best organized and user friendly forum on the Internet. For a variety of reasons I was absent for a couple of years and just recently found myself back among the group. Maybe my short time back has not earned me the right to voice my opinion or possibly even start a new thread about it but I feel compelled to share my thoughts. From day one I have felt that this was an extremely well organized and managed forum and still feel very strongly that way. When I found my way back several weeks ago, certainly the format had changed. That's to be expected however. The key to being successful in anything is the ability to adapt to an ever changing environment. IE: lots of new members and new subject matter requires reorganization. Without the ability to adapt I'd pretty much call it "planned obsolescence" because at some point you'll be so far behind you'll never catch up. I for one recognize and appreciate the time and effort that goes into maintaining this site. It is a monumental feat and my guess is that it's all done on a volunteer basis. That makes my appreciation even more profound for how well I feel this site is managed. This may be a bit off base but I'd liken the organization here to my tool collection. I own literally thousands of different tools for many different trades and applications. Those tools are not all jumbled into one large box (General Discussion). They are separated and organized into dozens of different boxes (sub forums) based on the application that each tool is designed for. In this way I can go to any of my tool boxes (sub forums) and easily locate whatever tool (thread) I need for a particular project. Part of it is that I'm an organizational freak and part of it is that I hate wasting a lot of time looking for that one "tool". It's much the same way here when I'm looking for particular information, which is always easy to find. Can't speak for every person's web browser but when I do go to "General Discussion", although a thread may have been moved it's still visible there (I have no idea for how long) and you can click on it and you're redirected to that thread in it's new location. Quite user friendly in my opinion. Another great thing that I learned from the previous thread about this subject was the use of the "New Posts" link. I'd never used it before but now it's my go-to link to stay on top of everything that's going on here. Thank you to whoever it was that mentioned thin link in their response!! In summary, I appreciate and respect every person's opinion as well as their right to voice it. My opinion is that the administrators and moderators here do an outstanding job keeping things organized, readily accessible, and and easy to access. Please keep up the great work and thank you!!
My .02 and probably getting change back,
My .02 and probably getting change back,