When you call Masterbuilt, the outgoing message directs you to go to their website. You can't talk to a live person.
On the website you enter your model number and the available parts show up. Unfortunately, my control panel doesn't show up. In fact very few parts show up. I tried the CONTACT US link...we'll see what happens.
I am dissappointed that I can't talk to a person. Even if they had a CHAT feature on their website, that would be better than what they have now.
On the website you enter your model number and the available parts show up. Unfortunately, my control panel doesn't show up. In fact very few parts show up. I tried the CONTACT US link...we'll see what happens.
I am dissappointed that I can't talk to a person. Even if they had a CHAT feature on their website, that would be better than what they have now.