Hey all, this is my first smoke and my Charbroil American Gourmet 'el cheapo! It came out crunchy on the ends(which I like) and very tender on the inside! (kinda like a polar bear eating an igloo! Ha) anybody read Far Side? Anyways, my guinea pigs said that it was better than any ribs cooked umong our camping and grillin' crowd that they had had!
I had a hard time keeping grill temp up as the wind picked up and my thin wall smoker cooled down so I batched up more coals in the chimney and threw them in, temp went back up and burned all the paint off firebox vent area,lol and the vent wouldn't stay where I wanted so I had to hold it in place with a rock! 2-2-1 worked pretty good and I tried to follow it to a tee. Thanks everyone for all the tips...I'm hooked!