My first Ham. Brag, and crit...

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Fire Starter
Original poster
Jan 11, 2023
Ban Ko Kaeo, Thailand
Okay, this is the small loin end bit (450g) I spoke about two weeks ago. Cured in the Vac bag. This is NOT the hams I moved to the freezer a couple of days ago.

I had ordered a Sous Vide, and it was delivered the other day. It got me jonesing for my ham, so I read up and sous vide for 3 hours at 60°C per my recipe.

I was surprised at the amount of water that cooked out of it. (adding a touch of phosphate to the next ham I start. :emoji_fingers_crossed:)

Flavor: Not a strong 'ham' flavor. (Mildly disappointing). Salt was good, needs a bit more sugar (will try upping to 1.5%), and had a rosemary presence at the finish (too much in my opinion. Cutting by half next ham) I will experiment with various other spices one at a time until I find something I like. Next up - clove.

Texture: It was not dry, but not exactly juicy either. Adequate mouth feel, but grainy just a touch when chewed and crumbled slightly on the edges when cut. Not tooo bad. I'm hoping the phosphate will help with the crumble, and with water retention (start at 0.1% and work up from there).

Also, going to try adding 0.2% powdered smoke to the next ham as well. I'm working on an outdoor kitchen/pergola, and until that is finished, I don't have a way to smoke. (Wife would 'literally' rip my temp smoker apart and stack the bricks neatly. "No beautiful!")

It is SOOO good to have a proper thick cut ham again. I didn't know how much I had missed it.



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Nice work, looks good.
On phosphate, I use it in all my hams. Add at .4% to meat weight.
Thank you.
On phosphate, I don't have access to the same compound as that commonly used in the US. Local FDA advises 0.3% max on what I have. Because of that, I'm a bit skittish, and will be starting low and working up.
Good to know that people here use it on their hams, too. I was afraid it might be thought of as a cheat here among all the pros. :emoji_grin:

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