My first attempt at a ham. Had a small loin stub and thought I'd try a YouTube recipe I found. Had the thing printed out, excel calculated for my small bit, and... misread the line.
Instead of 0.2g (0.5g/Kg) of Sodium Erythobate, I read the line for Pink Cure and added 1.2g (2.5g/Kg). Didn't realize until the next day.
Have I ruined this? Toss? Fry up and eat now? Let it finish? ...or give to the Soi Dogs that keep killing my ducks?
Instead of 0.2g (0.5g/Kg) of Sodium Erythobate, I read the line for Pink Cure and added 1.2g (2.5g/Kg). Didn't realize until the next day.
Have I ruined this? Toss? Fry up and eat now? Let it finish? ...or give to the Soi Dogs that keep killing my ducks?