So i received a brand new and made inoperable MES 340G from a friend. It was replaced under warranty and I "in-op'd" for her with a spare cut cord and some photos to MasterBuilt. The problem turned out to be a folded over temp sensor in the back center interior of the case. This thing would have never worked when it was packaged and shipped - such stellar quality control to not even plug it in and test it before shipping - my gain however.
I transplanted the temp sensor from an old MES30 into the 340, but the temp ended up 60F lower than the controller was set for. Based on all the comments on here and the overall mediocre performance of a stock MES I plan to purchase a PID controller tomorrow.
I am trying to decide between the Auber WST1510H-W wifi ($210 on sale through tomorrow) and the WS-1510ELPM ($150)
Any opinions one way or the other?
Is the WiFi a worthy option for an extra $60?
BTW - i do use a two probe ThermoPro with the remote in my current setup and it has been fine and works inside the house for the distance away my smoker is. I also create smoke off the box with a masterbuilt side smoker running through a dryer duct.
Other plans are:
replace the heat element connectors with the stainless ones discussed on this board.
And maybe kicking up the rollout switch so that I can hit 325F with this thing. Is there a part number and vendor for such a part?
Any other things I should consider or plan for?
Thanks much
I transplanted the temp sensor from an old MES30 into the 340, but the temp ended up 60F lower than the controller was set for. Based on all the comments on here and the overall mediocre performance of a stock MES I plan to purchase a PID controller tomorrow.
I am trying to decide between the Auber WST1510H-W wifi ($210 on sale through tomorrow) and the WS-1510ELPM ($150)
Any opinions one way or the other?
Is the WiFi a worthy option for an extra $60?
BTW - i do use a two probe ThermoPro with the remote in my current setup and it has been fine and works inside the house for the distance away my smoker is. I also create smoke off the box with a masterbuilt side smoker running through a dryer duct.
Other plans are:
replace the heat element connectors with the stainless ones discussed on this board.
And maybe kicking up the rollout switch so that I can hit 325F with this thing. Is there a part number and vendor for such a part?
Any other things I should consider or plan for?
Thanks much