Eieio, IMHO spritzing is a wothless waste of time. I put my flavor on in my Rub and sometimes.I like to go by the old saying,"If you is lookin' , it ain't cooking(and that can be associated with the smoke you put out of your stack); If you smell smoke,it's doin' it's thing... light TBS
And to keep the smoke at that level you should the lid of your smoker "SHUT"not just a bit because you think they need supervision or something.
Since I have Bent your ears with this, may I offer a hint of how to tell your Ribs are done (without doing the foil thing or 3-2-1). I pass this along top give you an alternate way to do your Ribs.
Don't foil them in any way,cook from the time you put then in until it's time to get them out.Supposing you're cooking at 220*F or in that area.Leave your Sparesthere,covered by the smoker lid,for5 hrs.;then do a bend/crack test and notice if the bone has appeared.This will tell if you need more time or can mop with whatever you were going to use and crank up the heat for a 'few' mins.to glaze them.So when they bend easily when pickedup with tongs at just before the mid-section and they crack,and you see bone, they be good to go.Keep some rub around;some of us folk like 'em dry,sauce is for sammies in my thinking
Well, I got to rambling again,sorry, just happens,anyhow-have fun and remember to: