Not sure if this is the correct place to post, if it needs to be moved, please do so.
I've been off the the site for a few weeks, but for good reason.
First, on Nov 20th we had our annual turkey smoke. This event has been going on for well over 40 years. Affectionately known as "the smoke". Thursday - Brine night......Friday - Drink about the "smoke"........Saturday - start early and smoke ALL day. 26 Turkeys, beef, chickens, pork, eggs, cornish hens, venison, and whatever else will fit in the brine crocks. Smoke day is complimented by numerous side dishes, football (usually OSU vs. Mich, except this year), perch fry, and my homebrew. Apple wood-fired smoke.
Thanksgiving (couldn't give the MES a break) smoked a few turkey breasts, bulbs of garlic (for the Thanksgiving smashed taters), and a couple fatties. All were well received by the family, unfortunately now they want us to have Thanksgiving dinner at our house from now on.
Day after Thanksgiving, early up-and-at-em, drive 4+ hours east to deer camp in the hills of PA. Before you ask.....NO, I didn't catch one. Took the MES40 along and did 4 pork butts (used pimento-wood chips) all day Sunday for some pulled pork sammies.
I've been off the the site for a few weeks, but for good reason.
First, on Nov 20th we had our annual turkey smoke. This event has been going on for well over 40 years. Affectionately known as "the smoke". Thursday - Brine night......Friday - Drink about the "smoke"........Saturday - start early and smoke ALL day. 26 Turkeys, beef, chickens, pork, eggs, cornish hens, venison, and whatever else will fit in the brine crocks. Smoke day is complimented by numerous side dishes, football (usually OSU vs. Mich, except this year), perch fry, and my homebrew. Apple wood-fired smoke.
Thanksgiving (couldn't give the MES a break) smoked a few turkey breasts, bulbs of garlic (for the Thanksgiving smashed taters), and a couple fatties. All were well received by the family, unfortunately now they want us to have Thanksgiving dinner at our house from now on.
Day after Thanksgiving, early up-and-at-em, drive 4+ hours east to deer camp in the hills of PA. Before you ask.....NO, I didn't catch one. Took the MES40 along and did 4 pork butts (used pimento-wood chips) all day Sunday for some pulled pork sammies.