I posted not too long ago about starting to hate my MES40. Well, I guess there was a reason it was misbehaving: it's basically dead now.
The cheap a$$ seven segment display has most of the segments out. And now the thing tells me it's heating but it won't even get the chips to smolder. So I guess it's time to mod it or buy something new (or both).
Money's tight, so don't really want to spend anything now. I'll have to wait until spring, but for the time being I'm looking for some more suggestions. In my last thread about hating my MES40 a few folks gave me some ideas. Anyone else care to help with some new rig recommendations? And some mods for the POS MES?
Thanks everyone!
I'm also on the bandwagon for buying an Auber PID. This one with the multipurpose sensor is the least expensive option that will definitely handle the electrical power pull of an MES40:
Auber Instruments, Inc. Multi Purpose Controller [WS-1510ELPM] - The WS-1510ELPM is a versatile temperature controller to have in your home. It can be used for various applications such as Sous Vide cooking, controlling an electric smoker, making yogurt, dough proofing, controlling the...
Do the simple rewire and slap this thing on it and you are ready to go.
If the high temp safety limit switch has melted down on you, you can cut it out and connect the 2 wire ends to work around it but WARNING: you would have now removed a safety switch device so understand that the smoker will not stop heating if it hits 305F smoker temp.
Now with that warning out of the way. You could leave it that way or replace it with another switch. You can usually get a 2-5 pack for less than $10 and I suggest you get a ceramic switch, not the plastic ones. I've melted down at least 5 plastic ones because they are so cheaply made and delicate. Also I used a switch that had a limit of 350F or so. This allows me to do chicken and turkey smokes at 325F smoker temp for less than 4 hours smokes. I never smoke that high for anything else and never over 4 hours. Max I go when not doing poultry smokes at 325F (4 hours of less), is a smoker temp of 275F since the insulation is rated to handle that temp no issue.
I've had no issue at 325F but I keep it 4 hours or less to not over stress the foam insulation.
Finally, a mailbox mod with the tray would allow you to burn pellets (cheap to buy) for up to 12 hours of perfect hassle free smoke.
I smoke pork butts and whole packer briskets over night while I sleep and let the remote thermometer tell me in the morning when to check for tenderness.
The PID holds temp dead on and my mailbox mod +
AMNPS + really good pellets = 12 hours of smoked meat without me having to go do a thing until it is ready to pull out of the smoker. Heaven! :D
Oh finally, finally... for the cost of an Auber PID and a mailbox mod you won't be able to find a smoker at that cost, not a decent one. Also you won't find anything that performs this well for under $1k.
This work turns your old MES40 from a golf cart into a Ferrari. It really is a whole completely different smoker that can do any smoking application you can think of. It's only limitation is temps over 325F but who SMOKES food much over those temps anyhow and we have ovens for cooking things at higher temps than that without smoke :D
I hope this info helps :D