People think I'm strange because of it...
Where I grew up, we always had "red beans", pintos, when we made BBQ. We had them a lot actually, even without BBQ, sometimes just with cornbread...
Still love those, just can't do baked...
Any others understand this one?
IMO, beans shouldn't have any sweet flavor to them. When I see a suggested recipe for beans with sugar, syrup, or mollassas, I skip over it. Now, I've TRIED many different variants of baked beans in MANY different states, I haven't found one yet that I like. Wife and boys, they have a few that they love...
Its surprising how many different flavors there are in beans. I mean baked beans from a can like Bushes or Van De Camps are so much different from home made ones and how they are prepared. Even amongst them -Pintos, Navy, vs red/kidney vs Garbanzo or Black Eyed Peas, Refried beans, or even Lentils. Surely you cant say you don't like ALL baked beans???
Well, yeah! Now and then I just have to prove it!CB you know you could of stopped with " People think i'm strange" because yes we all know that. LOL
Carry on.
Those sound good. No HEB close to me though, but I do get down to Houston several times a year, and my BIL is coming up from there in a couple of weeks, maybe some can be obtained!
I think it's a TX thang, CB: I'm the same way. Give me pintos all day long with my barbecue--borracho beans with Shiner Bock in the mix are nirvana for me--else, give me red beans and rice. In fact, HEB has (or at least they did) have their own canned borracho beans with Shiner, if you've got a hankerin' and not enough time to do them from scratch. I don't like the sweet, sugary baked white/navy/northern beans that come to my mind when baked beans are mentioned. My $0.02.
My boss and I just laughed VERY hard at this one! I'm with you, consider me member #2 in the haters club!
As long as there's no damned LIMA BEANS in it! What a tasteless pastey useless bean! Now that... Ill bet there's a Lima Bean haters club for that one!
I may have been misunderstood, I love beans, just not with a sugary sweet sauce.
Now black beans, I think my favorite and are probably the most flavorful of all the beans. Check out Feijoada (Brazilian Black Beans). They are savory, with lots of Smoked meat in it (such as hocks and bacon). No sugars, so sounds right up your alley.