Hey all, I'm from Indianapolis....

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Original poster
Apr 25, 2011
Indianapolis Indiana
Getting ready to have the big race on Memorial Day. Here in Indy! The event has hundreds of people along the outside of the track fence smoking, grilling and Q'ing and selling their wares every year. It starts next week! With all the hoopla this year with the "Dump Trump" facebook page started by an attorney in Indy, then him bowing out of driving the pace car, I just am certain it's going to be a wild time this year!  Indiana is actually. Not to mention the Osama ~ Obama situation.  Oh yeah, there isn't one any more.  Not sure how I feel about all that dancing in the streets though, don't want to make anymore of them people mad, for our guys over there.

As for grilling, cooking, smoking, and BBQing that is what I do for fun.  It's my social life. It's the only time I stop long enough to "chew the fat"" so to speak>>:)

Have loved reading your forum for quite sometime, have found a lot of AH HA moments!  Just call me the big lurker.  Anyways, will toss up some photos this weekend sometime, been dodging the rain for over a month so am getting stir crazy, looking longingly at my equipment outside and looking for brighter days.  How about you all? How's the weather in your area? I'm thinking of relocating!
Welcome to SMF bebeq,
 How's the weather in your area? I'm thinking of relocating!  
It's nice and sunny,Don't relocate here,Were running out of pecan wood!  LOL

Welcome to the SMF. Glad to have you here. Lots of good folks, great recipes and knowledge. Looking forward to your first qview.
Welcome to SMF and were glad to have you aboard. Join in and share your experiences, have some fun and don’t forget to post our favorite…

The Qveiw


Happy Smoking

Thanks for coming out of the closet, and into the limelight of the SMF. Many folks start out by just lurking, been there and done that. Weather wise, it's been around 82°, and very little wind. Save the planet... it's the only one with Q.
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