Today, Saturday, we met at 9:30am. We started with Whole Hog. On a table was a 180# hog-dressed. He shows us how to trim the hog including making various cuts inside to crack the ribs from the spine while maintaining a bowl form. He gives us the recipe for his injection as his son mixes some up. He discusses the various cuts of meat and their individual cooking characteristics. He demonstrates foiling the hog and preparing it for the smoker. During this and every demonstration he welcomes any and all questions and encourages you to interrupt him as needed. We will eat from this hog on Sunday. Then a 15min. break.
Next he discusses pork shoulder and butts. How to distinguish the two, how to separate the two of them. He demonstrates how to trim each and inject with the same injection as he used on the whole hog. Then you go into tented area with 10 tables, break in to groups of 4-6 and do the same as he did on each. His guys pick the meat up and you will taste it on Sunday.
Next is ribs. Baby backs and full spares. He shows you how to trim each and then you do it as before.
Then lunch-Hamburgers/hot dogs.
Then Wagoo Brisket.....very informative. He demonstrates trimming and injection, then you do it. Including injection and recipe.
Then chicken thighs. He does the trimming.....then you do it.
Then dinner-pork chop, sausage, peach baked beans, apple cobbler, potato salad.
Then done for the day. Back at 0700!
He is just as you see on TV. Brash, comical but very approachable and friendly!
There is great info to be had in his school. Not only what he is showing you but also the information he gives you. Vendors, competition circuit info. It seems he is giving you full disclosure of everything!
Personally, I believe it is worth every penny and I believe everyone there does as well! I also believe it will make me a better BBQ'er.
Until tomorrow!
If you have a particular question-please feel free to ask!