I'm just pulling four hams I had curing and am second-guessing what I did and if I have to throw it all out. I had my butcher split the hind legs of a pig into four hams so 9 to 10 lb each (bone-in) and about four inches thick. I did a brine which was about two gallons and 2 cups salt, 2 cups sugar, two cups brown sugar and then divided it equally four ways. Each ham then got 17 grams of #1 curing salt (6.25% sodium nitrite). I injected the hams with a food syringe at 10% by weight (1 lb per ham), especially around the bones. I put the hams in food safe ferm bags used for brewing and tied them off to more or less force the liquid around the ham, but there was still a little air I then put these hams in buckets and into the fridge. I did not do a good job of ensuring the hams were forced under the liquid level completely but opted to flip every 24 to 36 hrs to make sure all of the ham was consistently wetted with majority submerged for a total cure of 7 days. I've read a lot today when I revisited my recipe that the ham must be fully submerged (weighted plate). Any opinions on risks, concerns, chuck or keep? Relative beginner looking for wisdom. Thanks.
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