Decided that since I have been getting pretty solid on my offset I would go for a big cook. Got 30 pounds of pork butt going today
Don't get too stressed over shorter 50 degree swings. I used to get pretty crazy over trying to run tight to a specific temp on my stick burner. I'm perfectly happy ok longer cooks to run +/- 50 most the time now. For shorter things like ribs I'll tighten that up. Butts are looking great.She’s running nice and steady at 250 right now. I did have some wind gusts early on cause brief spikes to close to 300, but luckily I like to babysit it so I was able to knock them down by shutting the flow down a bit. Hoping they didn’t cause too much harm.
Wrapped at 170. Bones starting to separate and probing tender. Might be able to have these for a late dinner yet.
Might be able to have these for a late dinner yet.