I apologize for not answering sooner! It is part no. 51269, UPC 082901512691Hey pops would you be able to take some close up pictures of your bronze seal you used for the outside of your doors for me. I will be needing to seal my doors and am trying to figure out what would be best to use.
Oh yes, just need to put a little drop of WD 40 on them occasionally to loosen them up.Hey Pops, so do you think the valves on your burner are getting sticky because it's in an enclosed area at higher temps?
Actually, I originally tried that, putting the AMNPS right in front of the lower vent and it wouldn't stay lit; apparently with the propane stove on, it took all the air to keep it ignited. I moved it up on the drip pan bars and it stayed lit much better, but at about 241° at meat level the pellets caught fire and burned up. Tried it several times. So the logical thing was to put it outside the smoker, close off the bottom draft and force the oxygen through the mailbox, keeping the draft up but not overheating the unit.You never cease to amaze me,Pops! lol That is a good housing! I wouldn't think the AMNS would get hot enough to cause any dilemma if it were low in the box and near the air supply. Just my thoughts, I know mine stays cool.
I am building a smokehouse with this exact burner currently, and although it may not be needed I choose to plumb it outside the house with black iron pipe. I had to use two brass fittings off the burner because of the male flare end and then to black iron pipe. For me it is a little more piece of mind than a plastic hose inside the smoker.