Forum Rules...Please Read

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Nepas OTBS #242
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Dec 25, 2010
Rineyville, KY
Please read through the forum rules before you post links. (SMF) is a place for members to ask questions, share their experiences, and help each other learn while making new friends.

We have a huge community, so in order to manage such a large group of diverse people we must enforce certain standards and rules. Underlying these rules is the fact that SMF is a place where people of different backgrounds and ideas can all feel comfortable participating around their same interest.

  • Be friendly and courteous to all SMF members.
  • Be respectful to the moderating/admin staff members.
  • Be nice to newbies and be patient when answering their questions.
  • Remember that this is a family friendly forum, so keep all posted content family friendly.
  • Don’t flame. (verbally attacking people or groups of people)
  • Don’t troll. (posting to provoke a fight)
  • No fighting or excessive arguing. If you must, take it to PM.
  • No advertising of your products or services is allowed, except in the appropriate Buy/Sell/Trade areas of the forum.
  • Don’t bump threads excessively.
  • No cross posting. (re-posting the same thread or post in multiple areas of the forum)
  • Posting links to other websites or forums is not allowed under most circumstances.
  • SMF is an English-language site and as such, we ask that all posts be written in English.
SMF Moderation
  • Try your best to be respectful to the moderating team and their disciplinary actions, as they are only trying to make the forum as pleasant for everyone as possible.
  • Please direct questions or concerns to the Administrator or specific moderator via PM or email.
  • Do not post threads regarding problems with the moderating team. It will be handled privately so as to reduce drama on the forum.
  • If a topic is closed or removed, please don’t repost that same topic or material.
  • The admin and moderating team will use their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse or remove any users or content from SMF.
  • Private messages sent on our forum cannot be accessed by other members or moderators. However, the admin team does have access to PM’s. While we normally choose not to utilize this tool, we may review PM’s if problems arise. (For example, if we suspect a member is spamming via PM’s.) If this is something you feel you can’t tolerate, then please use email or another chatting system to retain your full privacy.
  • In general, we ask that you not post any material that is illegal, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening or a violation of copyright. SMF admin and moderators have the right to remove, edit, move or lock any material on this site for any reason at any time.
  • The User Guidelines is a live document and will be modified periodically as required in order to best suit our forum’s ever changing needs.
Here is the link to the forum rules. Hope it can answer your question.

Here is the link to the forum rules. Hope it can answer your question.

I'm not trying to be difficult. The rules you posted above are the same rules that you linked (below) and it says the same exact thing.

In an effort to comply with the rules, I feel there needs to be some clarification. More specifically, what are the circumstances where links are allowed? Since this is not specified in either your post or the forum rules, it seems arbitrary.

I'm not sure if this is a reactionary thing to something that happened yesterday but I've seen a lot of links posted lately and no reaction to those. I am trying to clarify for my own personal postings.

Posting links to other websites or forums is not allowed under most circumstances. (SMF) is a place for members to ask questions, share their experiences, and help each other learn while making new friends.

We have a huge community, so in order to manage such a large group of diverse people we must enforce certain standards and rules. Underlying these rules is the fact that SMF is a place where people of different backgrounds and ideas can all feel comfortable participating around their same interest.

  • Be friendly and courteous to all SMF members.
  • Be respectful to the moderating/admin staff members.
  • Be nice to newbies and be patient when answering their questions.
  • Remember that this is a family friendly forum, so keep all posted content family friendly.
  • Don’t flame. (verbally attacking people or groups of people)
  • Don’t troll. (posting to provoke a fight)
  • No fighting or excessive arguing. If you must, take it to PM.
  • No advertising of your products or services is allowed, except in the appropriate Buy/Sell/Trade areas of the forum.
  • Don’t bump threads excessively.
  • No cross posting. (re-posting the same thread or post in multiple areas of the forum)
  • Posting links to other websites or forums is not allowed under most circumstances.
  • SMF is an English-language site and as such, we ask that all posts be written in English.
SMF Moderation
  • Try your best to be respectful to the moderating team and their disciplinary actions, as they are only trying to make the forum as pleasant for everyone as possible.
  • Please direct questions or concerns to the Administrator or specific moderator via PM or email.
  • Do not post threads regarding problems with the moderating team. It will be handled privately so as to reduce drama on the forum.
  • If a topic is closed or removed, please don’t repost that same topic or material.
  • The admin and moderating team will use their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse or remove any users or content from SMF.
  • Private messages sent on our forum cannot be accessed by other members or moderators. However, the admin team does have access to PM’s. While we normally choose not to utilize this tool, we may review PM’s if problems arise. (For example, if we suspect a member is spamming via PM’s.) If this is something you feel you can’t tolerate, then please use email or another chatting system to retain your full privacy.
  • In general, we ask that you not post any material that is illegal, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening or a violation of copyright. SMF admin and moderators have the right to remove, edit, move or lock any material on this site for any reason at any time.
  • The User Guidelines is a live document and will be modified periodically as required in order to best suit our forum’s ever changing needs.
What I’m getting out of this is if you have a link you must post, get with a moderator or admin.

You may want to contact a forum Admin like

piney or pc farmer if there are any additional rules on links that are not covered in the the forum rules.
Sooooo.......If I find a great deal on Amazon for some cooking tool can I post the link? For example. Just asking. I dont want to go against the rules.
Thats a touchy one cuz we all like slamazon.....Ask and Admin they can better answer your question.
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Ok, let's provide an example and get a response. For instance, someone is talking about not getting enough smoke out of their pellet grill and a reply to them might include the suggesting of using an additional pellet smoking tube. The replier indicates they are using a 'xyz-tube' with success and proceeds to add a link to the vendor's site for the product. So, acceptable or not?

You may want to contact a forum Admin like

piney or pc farmer if there are any additional rules on links that are not covered in the the forum rules.

I am seeking to understand the policy on links - in this thread there are no less than 3 links posted with nothing said from moderators or administrators yet in this thread this happened:

Good morning. If you need a set of knives this is an AMAZING deal -

The entire set of knives cost $12 delivered, this included shipping. Make sure you clip both sets of coupons as noted in the link. I just picked these up this morning.

Edit--- I removed this link after one of the staff members clicked on it and got a security alert on his computer. Not sure if it was something with his system or the link but not worth the risk. On top of that links are only allowed to answer someone's question according to SMF rules.

and then at the bottom or every page is this


So we can't link stuff to SMF but it's ok to link SMF to other things?
Sooooo.......If I find a great deal on Amazon for some cooking tool can I post the link? For example. Just asking. I dont want to go against the rules.

Yes you can. You can post a link to help someone who is looking for a tool etc.
You can also embed a You tube video in your post, but you can’t just post the link to that video. You have to embed it in the post. Hope this helps. You can also post a link to your website in your signature line if you are a Premier member.
Yes you can. You can post a link to help someone who is looking for a tool etc.
You can also embed a You tube video in your post, but you can’t just post the link to that video. You have to embed it in the post. Hope this helps. You can also post a link to your website in your signature line if you are a Premier member.
Thanks Al. Cleared it up for me!
I did not make the rules. I simply posted them so members can see what is allowed.

After clicking a link yesterday and my mac got a security breach (which we ALL dont want) i posted the rules.

Was the said link embedded with a trojan? pehaps and NOT the posters fault haveing no knowledge of the varient in the link.

So there.....:emoji_astonished::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
I did not make the rules. I simply posted them so members can see what is allowed.

After clicking a link yesterday and my mac got a security breach (which we ALL dont want) i posted the rules.

Was the said link embedded with a trojan? pehaps and NOT the posters fault haveing no knowledge of the varient in the link.

So there.....:emoji_astonished::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:

Right.. and that's what I referred to and quoted. Amazon links seem far more dangerous to me than pasting a link to the latest Pit Boss Grill that someone is asking about.

Which is why I was seeking to understand what the exceptions were. SmokinAl SmokinAl seems to have cleared things up and it's appreciated as always !
... You can post a link to help someone who is looking for a tool etc.
You can also embed a You tube video in your post, but you can’t just post the link to that video. You have to embed it in the post. Hope this helps. You can also post a link to your website in your signature line if you are a Premier member.
Thanks for the input Al.

1. For some reason I thought when a link to a YouTube is added it automatically embedded it. But if not, what is the procedure to embed a YouTube vid? I have a few YouTube videos on "my channel" that show things like roasting peppers, or making pizzas.

2. I have a recipe blog that I occasionally will post a link to one page since it has ingredients, cooking info and some photos on one page. I'm assuming when you mentioned ↑↑↑ "your website" you are referring to something like this, and not to something commercial that is not related to cooking?
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Thanks for the input Al.

1. For some reason I thought when a link to a YouTube is added it automatically embedded it. But if not, what is the procedure to embed a YouTube vid? I have a few YouTube videos on "my channel" that show things like roasting peppers, or making pizzas.

2. I have a recipe blog that I occasionally will post a link to one page since it has ingredients, cooking info and some photos on one page. I'm assuming when you mentioned ↑↑↑ "your website" you are referring to something like this, and not to something commercial that is not related to cooking?

Since you are a Premier member you can put a link to your blog in your signature.
The problem we are having is folks posting links to other things that are not related to SMF, and can be malicious malware. We try to catch them before they are put on the main feed, but this is a full time job, I’m not on here alll the time, so that is why there is so many Admins & mods looking at the posts 24 hours a day to try and catch all the spam & malware. Believe me this is not an easy job, and by the way we do it for all of us for no compensation. We are volunteers.
Al is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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