ok here it is- the pics tell you everything except i went 1/2 coal bricks & mesquite( added a handful of bricks & 2-4 chunks of "skeet" every hour to hold the temp(250). i chilled the ribs before rubbing then brought to room temp fer 45 mins to an hour( never tell the health dept. that if ya do caterings,contests, or a restaurant).everything else is step by step in the captions. i've done prolly 2000 lbs of beef & pork ribs in the last 20 years- these were the best i've ever done- so i'll swear by this rub & this method.if ya got questions just ask- ps i'll post the stuffed tater recipe either tonight or tomorrow. here's the pics & recipe. http://s178.photobucket.com/albums/w...od/food%20pix/