Can we get a link for the backstory on that, sounds like a winner.
LOL---I don't have a Step by Step on Cheese, so you can't pin that one on the Bear.
That's a Beauty----Bigger Mess than "RichTee's", and his is "World Famous"
Boy are you in trouble!!!
Thank you. I do hope it helps someone. Call it the altruistic gene. Painfully expensive, but not permenant, and if you can't laugh then what's the point?Can we get a link for the backstory on that, sounds like a winner.
Bauchjw, thanks for the heads up, tho it was expensive at your end. I can easily see myself or other newbie doing just that. It never would have occured to me.
LOL---I don't have a Step by Step on Cheese, so you can't pin that one on the Bear.
That's a Beauty----Bigger Mess than "RichTee's", and his is "World Famous"
Boy are you in trouble!!!
Foam, with all the wisdom you've offered to me, I'm glad I've been able to give you something in return. I hoped others would at least would get a laugh out of it to make the experience a little less painful. It's therapy. Good luck with Microsoft, maybe I'll take your advice and replace my profile pic. Only one place to go from rock bottom!I am not gonna lie like all these other folks, yes I do feel sorry for your lose, I am sorry you had to clean it up, but I snarfed my drink and got the first smile on my face today (its 11PM now). I have spent 12 hours straight today with Microsoft, they screwed up more than they fixed, AND they are going to start over again in the morning. Again, I am sorry, but you made my day!
MY baby Sis brought me some cheese this weekend, been hoping for some cool weather too. It'll be my first crack at cheese also, and you probably saved me because I just wade right in and do stuff without too too much thought.
That picture needs to be turned into a post card , or take it on facebook, I bet with all the cooking and smoking sites it'd go viral!
One more time, I am sorry for your lose, but thank you so much for posting it.
Thank you JJ. Yes, painful, but I have learned a lot. Timer definitely turns on coil!My sympathies go out to you. My temp setting on the Gen1 only goes down to 100°F and it remembers the last setting. It's the Timer that turns on the coil. So whatever your last temp was, that what it goes to, unless changed, when you start the timer. Judging from that mess, the BT works the same way. Learning curves can be painful...JJ
Oh no! I think if that happened to me, I'd throw that smoker out and buy a new one, rather than clean that! LolThis is under general because it crosses over several forums. I also think it would be hilarious if it happened to someone else!
Collected up cheese from different sales over the past month for a cold smoke.
Cut them to size and got the smoke generator going.
Temp outside is about 55 so perfect weather and MES 40 was Waiting.
So.... This is my first cold smoke. I used smoke generator attachment. I've read through everything SMF and have followed Bear Carver tutorial. Ironically I'd just made a crack to Bear about not cleaning my grates when I went outside to check the cheese to be welcomed by.....
I assumed the timer on MES could be used without turning on heating element, wrong. Oh so, so, so, wrong.
In my string of profanity that idea did come out along with an axe. But, my wife was quick to remind me how expensive it really is!Oh no! I think if that happened to me, I'd throw that smoker out and buy a new one, rather than clean that! Lol
Ouch!...Man, I am so sorry for your loss...I think I would have to drink heavily after that disaster!
Beer helped me through the cleanup!
My wife said she would make me cry for a week if that happened to me.OUCH!!! That hurts to look at! My wife said that would've made her cry for a week...