Daylight savings....keep it or can it?

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What Smokin Okie Smokin Okie states has some merit. Also some outdoor workers that go to work at say 6am, sit around for an hr before light enough to work safely. Corporate needs to just be smart enough to adjust "their time" accordingly.
Retired so don't give a hoot, may just need to get rid of a few clocks around here. Oven, microwave, coffee pot, and on and on. Not ready to purchase "smart" appliances.:emoji_wink:
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In northern latitudes, it makes more of a difference. So, let's say we keep Daylight time as the year round standard. Great, in the dead of winter where I live, IL, it wouldn't get light outside until well after 8 am. Not ideal. Those of you further south are less affected. I think* those are the folks usually saying to get rid of it. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Also some outdoor workers that go to work at say 6am, sit around for an hr before light enough to work safely. Corporate needs to just be smart enough to adjust "their time" accordingly.
Well , I was one of those , without the sitting around though . We just adjusted accordingly . Always something to do , but starting later sucks . No one wants to do that . or I would think most wouldn't .
You also end up with everyone on the road to and from work at the same time . Traffic is bad enough as it is .
I have no issues with it myself .
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I disagree. I dont see how it would help a farmer at all. Heck, Ive never met a farmer that even wears a watch lol! Im pretty sure that dairy cow is ready to milk the same time no matter what time the clock reads! Same for feeding beef cattle. They get use to being fed at the same time and if you are late you can usually hear them complaining about it lol!
If I remember correctly, the original reason for the time change was to save on energy consumption, but that was over 100 years ago and Im sure it probably did help the more populated areas at the time, but now with our current "wastefullness" of energy I guarantee that it doesnt help at all!
Im sure some depression due to lack of lighr has something to do with too. Which doesnt make sense to me if you fall back an hour, leave for work when its dark and leave for home after work when its dark. That time change really did not help any! At least if it were left alone, everyone would get some sunlight!
Just my thoughts on the matter!
It's just not farmers, it's anybody who works outside. Their ability to work depends on the weather. And it depends on sunlight. A construction guy wants to get the house framed (or landscaper, or arborist, home builder, farmer, utility company, road contruction, etc.). But it's been raining and the client is already upset because the builder is behind schedule through no fault of his own. So after three days straight of rain, he's ecstatic it finally stopped raining so he can get some work done. He gets up at 5 itching to work. But he can't start work at 5 or even 6 because of noise control laws. He is forced to wait until 7 AM. And after reluctantly waiting, 7 AM finally rolls around and he starts work. Woo HOOOO! But he's three days behind. So 7 PM rolls around and standard time forces him to reluctantly quit because the sun is down! But DST starts the following week, and like magic he has another hour of productivity in his day.

What I've described above is real world, but most citizens and all politicians are oblivious.
If I remember correctly, the original reason for the time change was to save on energy consumption, but that was over 100 years ago and Im sure it probably did help the more populated areas at the time, but now with our current "wastefullness" of energy I guarantee that it doesnt help at all!
I always thought it was started so the farmers kids could help on the farm after school.
DST was created by "city folks" FOR city folks for supposedly energy conservation.
Anyone old enough to remember going on DST during the Arab oil embargo in the 70's?
Farmers don't care what time the clock says. We start work when able and quit when done.
Thankfully, we don't have livestock. They cannot tell time but know when it is feeding time or milking time.
Around 30 states have trigger laws to stay on DST if the House of Reps ever get off their rears and pass the legislation as the Senate did a year ago.
I prefer more evening light myself.
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I just googled it:

Daylight saving time was first introduced in the United States in 1918 under the Standard Time Act as a measure to save on fuel costs during the First World War by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the day, according to the Library of Congress.Feb 21, 2023
It's just not farmers, it's anybody who works outside. Their ability to work depends on the weather. And it depends on sunlight. A construction guy wants to get the house framed (or landscaper, or arborist, home builder, farmer, utility company, road contruction, etc.). But it's been raining and the client is already upset because the builder is behind schedule through no fault of his own. So after three days straight of rain, he's ecstatic it finally stopped raining so he can get some work done. He gets up at 5 itching to work. But he can't start work at 5 or even 6 because of noise control laws. He is forced to wait until 7 AM. And after reluctantly waiting, 7 AM finally rolls around and he starts work. Woo HOOOO! But he's three days behind. So 7 PM rolls around and standard time forces him to reluctantly quit because the sun is down! But DST starts the following week, and like magic he has another hour of productivity in his day.

What I've described above is real world, but most citizens and all politicians are oblivious.
Ive worked many a time by the headlights of our trucks and a headlamp on my hardhat( well thats not entirely true, once the super left, no one wore hard hats lol) Generators , cords but it is what it is! Have gotten reprimanded a handfull of time for jumping the fence and starting way early on the weekends too lol!
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I just googled it:

Daylight saving time was first introduced in the United States in 1918 under the Standard Time Act as a measure to save on fuel costs during the First World War by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the day, according to the Library of Congress.Feb 21, 2023
And that is something i read as an adult somewhere at some point in time. To save on energy/fuel consumption. But as kid, Im pretty sure everyone is told its about farmers, which I feel couldnt be farther from the truth! I thought that the farming industry as a whole opposed of it being passed!
It's just not farmers, it's anybody who works outside. Their ability to work depends on the weather. And it depends on sunlight. A construction guy wants to get the house framed (or landscaper, or arborist, home builder, farmer, utility company, road contruction, etc.). But it's been raining and the client is already upset because the builder is behind schedule through no fault of his own. So after three days straight of rain, he's ecstatic it finally stopped raining so he can get some work done. He gets up at 5 itching to work. But he can't start work at 5 or even 6 because of noise control laws. He is forced to wait until 7 AM. And after reluctantly waiting, 7 AM finally rolls around and he starts work. Woo HOOOO! But he's three days behind. So 7 PM rolls around and standard time forces him to reluctantly quit because the sun is down! But DST starts the following week, and like magic he has another hour of productivity in his day.

What I've described above is real world, but most citizens and all politicians are oblivious.
Frame houses, make concrete highway barriers, try to pump concrete grout in AZ between June and Sept.. You start before sunrise when you can see a pencil mark and hopefully end 8 hours later before you die.When your concrete is mixed with ice just so it can make the 90 minute pour.. A majority of concrete work is done overnight just for those reasons.
Go home and get into the 92 degree swimming pool or just lap up the air conditioning and watch a baseball game.
We never cared what time it was..

I work from 1400 to 2200 so I don't care anymore. Now I'm more concerned with the tides so I can get to beach and fish.
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I know my opinion wouldn't be the popular one. Still, to summarize my position in the most mature manner possible regarding changing the current DST system:

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Well, its that other time of year again! Once we "spring forward" I wouldnt mind it at all if we never "fall back"!
The fall really gets to me anymore! I end up waking up at 3am instead of 4 for a couple months which takes away from that quality hard core sleep part of the night! On top of that, if you are a hunter, it makes it so you have to get up an hour earlier than you did the weekends before the change. (which also sucks lol)

Personally I think life would be easier if the world just moved to UTC time (24hr).

If it's 08:00 in Texas guess what time it is in England, Japan, Australia????
Yep 08:00 :D

This is how time is stored in computer systems (if done properly). Then all the stupid work goes into converting the time to the locale/time zone. Bleh.

The same time everywhere works for me... but it would likely break too many people's brains to consider :P
Personally I think life would be easier if the world just moved to UTC time (24hr).

If it's 08:00 in Texas guess what time it is in England, Japan, Australia????
Yep 08:00 :D

This is how time is stored in computer systems (if done properly). Then all the stupid work goes into converting the time to the locale/time zone. Bleh.

The same time everywhere works for me... but it would likely break too many people's brains to consider :P

Haha, just like the metric system the whole world would convert but USA would vote to keep it the same.

Another recent retire so it doesn't affect me as much anymore. I would still prefer to get rid of it.
Haha, just like the metric system the whole world would convert but USA would vote to keep it the same.

Another recent retire so it doesn't affect me as much anymore. I would still prefer to get rid of it.
Hahahaha. I just make sure to convert to grams when measuring my Cure and other seasonings to make life easy :D

Everything else I'm cool with until I need to convert again :D is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.