hey dave I don't wana bea pest so if you have somethun going , forget this reply
a few minutes ago, I was out in the cooking garage, and thought I might put, the electric heating element
into the firebox section of
chargriller. I have an element from my old charbroil/brinkman, electric smoker.
ill have to give you the results as I test today. The digital temp probe sitting on the outside of the firebox, but right on top reads 220!!!!!!!!!!
this is very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heres the other great part, NO MODIFICATIONS !!!!!!!!!!
I ran the cord through the air modulation vents at the bottom of the firebox, and just set the element in the bottom interior of that.
It may be, that I need to remove, the firebox section, and go back to the original grill ? im heating for 1 hour to see what happens
ill send the results. I don't think I have enough natural convection, to move the hot air to the grill section.............ill git back to you
If this works, WE WIN BIG TIME. You want 220-230 for the killer ribs, and slow smoke............................later amigo