country style shoulder pork ribs

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Feb 18, 2007
doing these tomarrow for the big fight with the wicked baked bean recipe, corn on the cob, and mexican corn bread, question i have is suggestion for the ribs, ive heard yes and know useing the 3-2-1 method, they tend to dry out and get tough, any help is good thanks
I have never cooked them myself but I am this weekend. From what i am read on this site here is what you do:

Rub them down wrap and put them in the fridge over night.

Smoke at about 225-240 when they spray with apple juice about once an hour.
Once they hit 165 wrap in foil with some apple juice and let them get up to 190 then eat. That is how I am goning do mine.

There are some links under pork I'll see if I can find some for you

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