When I smoke cheese, I let it rest then vac pack and let it mellow for a month. But now I want to smoke some eggs also. So can I eat them right away, or they have to mellow?
Looks great but I gotta pass on the kimchi.
Lemans, this is my opinion only. From water to water buffalo, if it can’t be consumed shortly after smoking, it has been over smoked.
Below are some smoked eggs I did. They are smoked, spicy hot, pickled, deviled eggs, topped with a spear of smoked salmon in a ring of black olive, setting on a bed of kimchi and surrounded with pickled herring with green olives. It was a man thing. LOL
Enjoy your eggs,
Damn, that's a beautiful plate, and everything sounds perfect. Now, I'm hungry.
Below are some smoked eggs I did. They are smoked, spicy hot, pickled, deviled eggs, topped with a spear of smoked salmon in a ring of black olive, setting on a bed of kimchi and surrounded with pickled herring with green olives. It was a man thing. LOL